Eurocave - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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Worldwide premium cigar merchant since 1978
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₣ (CHF)


EuroCave embodies the art of preservation, whether for wines or cigars, offering storage solutions that combine performance and aesthetics. Founded on unique expertise, the brand is committed to creating optimal environments to preserve the flavors and stories that accompany each product. To savor an exceptional cigar, the experience relies on meticulous and respectful storage.

With EuroCave, every cigar cabinet becomes a veritable showcase, designed to sublimate its contents. These humidors guarantee a regulated temperature, essential for maturing wines and preserving cigars. They eliminate vibrations, ensuring serene ageing for the vintages, while the stable, adapted hygrometry preserves the integrity of the products. Light is carefully controlled, and constant ventilation ensures a healthy, protected environment.

Each EuroCave is destined to host precious vitolas, a EuroCave cellar combines elegant design and cutting-edge technology to magnify those unique tasting moments.

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