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The La Rica cigar brand embodies Nicaraguan craftsmanship, where each cigar is meticulously hand-rolled. La Rica has earned a reputation for the quality of its cigars, reflecting the heritage and skill of Nicaraguan torcedores.
La Rica cigars draw their essence from the fertile region of Jalapa and Esteli, two territories renowned for growing top-quality tobacco in Nicaragua. This geographical origin gives the cigars complex and highly appreciated taste characteristics.
Each La Rica cigar is a delicate composition of filler and wrapper. The filler is selected from Nicaraguan tobacco, while the Maduro wrapper comes from Ecuadorian tobacco leaves. This combination creates a balance between strength and flavor.
To preserve their freshness and integrity, La Rica cigars are packaged in aluminum tubes, guaranteeing optimum protection right up to tasting.
The La Rica cigar range is renowned for its spicy aromas and marked strength. These characteristics are the direct result of the growing environment and fermentation methods applied to the tobacco used.
La Rica presents its cigars in three main formats to suit different palates: the lighter Corona, the Robusto, balanced in aroma and size, and the Churchill, more imposing and suitable for longer tasting.
In addition to its classic range, La Rica also offers a Maduro series with five distinct formats. Each format - Corona, Perfecto, Torpedo, Toro and Churchill - offers a unique experience linked to the specific blend of tobaccos used for this type of cigar.
La Rica perpetuates cigar-making traditions while innovating in its cultivation and drying methods, incorporating processes that preserve and enhance the natural flavours of the tobaccos chosen.
Contributing to the rich culture of cigars, La Rica, with its different formats and flavor profiles, has adapted to market trends while remaining faithful to the original artisanal quality.
La Couronne S.A.
Rue de Rive 34
1260 - Nyon - Vaud - Switzerland
Opening hours
Monday to Friday : 10:00am-12:00pm /
Saturday : 9h30-12h00 / 13h00-18h30
Sunday: closed
By email
By phone
Shop* in +41 79 808 58 88
Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.
Customer service +41 79 104 19 98
Monday to Saturday, 10am to 7pm.
*Cost of a local call, depending on your operator.