Aganorsa Leaf La Validación
Aganorsa Leaf La Validación is a line of cigars representing Nicaraguan know-how in the tobacco industry. The series is made up of two main lines: Habano and Connecticut, targeting different types of smoker thanks to their distinct taste profiles.
Origin and manufacture
Cigars Aganorsa Leaf La Validación are from the NicaraguaA region renowned for its fertile soils, ideal for growing quality tobacco. The manufacturing process involves a rigorous selection of leaves, respecting the traditions of tobacco growing and harvesting in this Central American country.
The Habano Line
The Habano line stands out for its rich, spicy taste profile. It appeals to those who appreciate cigars with spicy notes and marked complexity. Habano cigars are made with Habano cover tobacco grown in the South of France. NicaraguaThe wine's full-bodied character develops as the tasting progresses.
Special features of the Habano Line
The cigars in the range Aganorsa Leaf Validación Habano features a robust construction, ensuring a steady burn and excellent grip. Spicy flavours and woody undertones are typical of this variety, offering enthusiasts a sensory journey with every puff.
The Connecticut Line
This line of cigars is renowned for its smoothness, offering a lighter alternative without sacrificing character. The Connecticut is characterized by a Connecticut Shade tobacco wrapper, generally lighter in color and loved for its finesse and delicacy.
Taste and Experience
The taste profile of the Connecticut line is marked by creamy, enveloping notes, accompanied by subtle hints of walnut and coffee. They appeal to those seeking a less intense olfactory experience, but still rich in flavors and aromas.
Culture and Impact
La Validación's Habano and Connecticut categories are representative of the diversity and richness of Nicaraguan cigar culture. Through the ages, they have helped to establish this region as a terroir of choice for cigar aficionados around the globe, reinforcing the reputation of La Validación. Nicaragua in this area.