Aganorsa Leaf Aniversario Maduro - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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Aganorsa Leaf Aniversario Maduro

The Aganorsa Leaf Aniversario Maduro is a symbol of elegance in the world of ultra-premium cigars. Made from exclusively Aganorsa tobaccos and crafted by Cuban master rollers, this cigar offers a luxury experience with unique formats such as the prized lancero box-pressed. Its intermediate strength of 3/5, derived from its Shade Grown Corojo Maduro wrapper and an addition of medio tiempo in the filler, ensures a sophisticated, balanced aromatic richness. Proud of its Nicaraguan heritage, the Aniversario Maduro is distinguished by its complexity and finesse, representative of excellence in traditional cigar craftsmanship. It is the ideal choice for exceptional moments, offering a memorable experience to connoisseurs in search of character and authenticity.

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Aganorsa Leaf Aniversario Maduro


Aganorsa Leaf Aniversario Maduro

The Aganorsa Leaf Aniversario Maduro is a remarkable cigar in the Nicaraguan premium category. It is characterized by its Shade Grown Corojo Maduro wrapper and its entirely Nicaraguan origin, giving it a distinctive profile among aficionados.

Brand heritage and know-how

Aganorsa Leaf is known for its commitment to traditional cigar-making techniques, and the Aniversario Maduro is a testament to their expertise. It calls on the talents of Cuban-trained torcedores, who know how to preserve the nuances of top-quality cigars.

Geographical importance

Nicaragua, with its rich volcanic soil, produces a robust, flavorful tobacco. Aganorsa Leaf Aniversario Maduro benefits from this terroir, offering a complex, richly nuanced tasting experience.

Tobacco blend and construction

This cigar features a blend of 100 % Aganorsa tobacco. Its construction is impeccable, with an exclusive lancero box-pressed format among its variants, allowing for even burning and drawing.

Aroma profile

The inclusion of medio tiempo leaves, a rarer form of tobacco, in the filler adds to the depth of flavor of Aganorsa Leaf Aniversario Maduro. The aroma portfolio is balanced, offering an average strength of 3/5 suitable for a variety of occasions.

Cigar culture and impact

The reputation of Nicaraguan cigars has grown steadily, reflecting the region's growing influence on cigar culture. The Aniversario Maduro not only captures the essence of this heritage, but also contributes to the worldwide recognition of Nicaraguan cigar-making expertise.


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