Aganorsa Leaf Aniversario - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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Aganorsa Leaf Aniversario

The Aganorsa Leaf Aniversario range, a true gem of cigar craftsmanship, is famous for its blend of premium tobacco from Aganorsa's Nicaraguan plantations. Each cigar is created to offer a premium experience with a variety of wrapper leaves, including Corojo, Corojo Maduro Shade Grown and Connecticut, and a box pressed structure. These complex, rich and medium-bodied cigars, dedicated to experienced connoisseurs, are rolled by Cuban masters and feature distinctive formats such as the lancero box pressed, guaranteeing meticulous aesthetics and optimal draw. Aganorsa Leaf Aniversario celebrate life's most precious moments with a palette of deep, refined flavors, embodying the excellence of the ultra-premium cigar.

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Aganorsa Leaf Aniversario


Introduction to the Aganorsa Leaf Aniversario range

Renowned for its commitment to quality in the world of cigars, the Aganorsa Leaf Aniversario offers a tasting experience that will capture the attention of discerning connoisseurs. Each cigar in this selection promises a tasty combination of carefully blended leaves.

Tobacco blends

Cigars Aganorsa Leaf Aniversario are made exclusively with tobacco from the Aganorsa plantations. Located in NicaraguaThese plantations benefit from the fertile soil that gives tobacco its distinctive notes. The tobacco blend is carefully selected to deliver a balanced, rich flavor profile.

Formats and Manufacturing

Crafted by Cuban experts, the cigars in the Aniversario line feature special formats, including the lancero box pressed, which is appreciated for its precise draw and meticulous aesthetics. The manufacturing process uses traditional techniques, underlining the brand's craftsmanship.

Taste profile

In terms of flavor, Aniversario cigars are medium to full-bodied, with a spectrum of tastes ranging from subtle spices to earthier notes. They are designed for connoisseurs looking for depth and nuance in their smoking experience.

Cape Leaves variety

The cape leaf assortment includes Corojo, Shade Grown Corojo Maduro and Connecticut. Each variety brings a unique look and taste, while remaining true to the range's characteristic box pressed structure. The diversity of wrappers offers smokers the chance to discover a wide range of sensations.

Tradition and Innovation

Cigars Aganorsa Leaf Aniversario cigars are part of a long tradition in the art of cigar making, while embracing the brand's own innovations. This harmony between heritage and modernity is evident in the choice of blends and rolling techniques, illustrating the evolution of the cigar industry.

Cultural impact and evolution

The impact of different cigar categories Aganorsa Leaf on cigar culture is not negligible. They have contributed to the Nicaragua as a region of choice for tobacco growing, enriching the world's heritage and expertise in premium cigars.


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