Myon - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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Worldwide premium cigar merchant since 1978
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Since its creation in 1919, Myon has established itself as a prestigious brand in the world of cigars. Renowned for its French know-how, it offers aficionados a variety of elegant, high-quality accessories. Precise, long-lasting lighters, protective leather cigar cases, aesthetic and practical ceramic ashtrays, and cigar humidors equipped for optimum preservation of cigars all testify to Myon's commitment to excellence. Combining tradition and innovation, Myon remains a benchmark for cigar aficionados looking for functional and refined items to enrich their cigar experience.

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Introduction to Myon and the World of Cigars

Myon is a French brand established in 1919, rooted in a tradition of quality and craftsmanship in the world of cigars. The company offers a range of accessories for cigar enthusiasts, from lighters and cases to ceramic ashtrays and fully-equipped humidors.

Myon lighters

Myon lighters are precision-engineered, incorporating high-quality materials to guarantee durability and performance. Myon offers lighters that combine aesthetics and functionality, providing consumers with a reliable cigar-lighting experience.

Myon Cigar Cases

Myon cigar cases are designed to combine elegance and protection. By choosing materials such as leather, Myon creates durable cases that preserve the integrity and freshness of cigars on the move.

Ceramic Cigar Ashtrays

Myon selects ceramics for its cigar ashtrays, a heat-resistant, easy-to-clean material. These ashtrays are designed to be both functional and aesthetically pleasing, with finishes that reflect Myon's status as a prestige brand.

Cigar cellars of Myon

Myon humidors are equipped with hygrometers and humidifiers to maintain optimum conditions for cigar preservation. They are built with woods selected for their conservation properties, enabling cigar enthusiasts to preserve the quality of their collection.

The Evolution of Myon and its Impact on Cigar Culture

Since its creation in 1919, Myon has played a significant role in the evolution of the cigar accessories market. By combining tradition and innovation, Myon has influenced the way cigar aficionados enjoy and care for their cigars.


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