Aganorsa Leaf - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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Aganorsa Leaf

Aganorsa Leaf is acclaimed for providing an exceptional tasting experience, carefully blending the richness of Nicaraguan soil with the authenticity of Cuban flavors. The company, which manages the entire process from seed to ash, ensures consistent quality throughout its cigars. Aganorsa's leaves, grown in their modern factories in Nicaragua and Miami, are renowned for their superior quality. Under the direction of Eduardo, Max and their team of Cuban masters, each cigar is the fruit of outstanding craftsmanship. Tasting an Aganorsa Leaf cigar invites a remarkable experience, distinguishing between ordinary tobacco and the noble Aganorsa leaf.

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Aganorsa Leaf


Exploring Aganorsa Leaf

Aganorsa Leaf is a brand that has captured the attention of cigar lovers thanks to its commitment to tobacco cultivation and production. Crafted with meticulous precision, Aganorsa Leaf cigars are characterized by their use of tobacco leaves sourced mainly from Nicaragua.

How Aganorsa Leaf Cigars are made

The production of Aganorsa Leaf cigars involves strict control from seed to ash. This supervisory process is essential to maintaining consistent quality. The manufacturers make a point of using a carefully harvested tobacco leaf for each cigar.

Taste and Flavor Profile

The brand's cigars are distinguished by tasting notes that highlight Nicaragua's fertile soil. They offer connoisseurs an aromatic richness that blends the sweetness and complexity of traditional flavors with a contemporary touch.

Origin and authenticity

Located in the Nicaragua and in Miami, the Aganorsa Leaf factories restore the tradition of cigar rolling while innovating. The tobacco used comes from the Aganorsa region, renowned for its ideal soil and climate, which favours the cultivation of superior quality leaves.

Growing and harvesting methods

The cultivation methods employed by Aganorsa Leaf focus on farming that respects the ecosystem. Harvesting techniques follow conservative practices that preserve the integrity and purity of the tobacco leaves.

Cigar categories

The Aganorsa Leaf cigar range comprises several categories, each offering unique characteristics. From selections of Nicaraguan purebreds to innovative blends, these cigars satisfy a wide range of preferences.


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