On Tuesday May 7, 2024, La Couronne had the immense privilege of organizing, in exclusive partnership with Davidoff, an elegant evening dedicated to the discovery of the new Davidoff Maduro line. This event offered our guests the unique opportunity to savor the ultra-luxurious Toro module from this groundbreaking collection during a refined cocktail reception in an exceptional setting.
We'd like to express our deepest gratitude to everyone who joined us for the event. Your enthusiastic presence was the heart of this memorable evening!
The meeting began with a welcome drink and a tasting of the Davidoff Aniversario Short Perfectoa session of pure pleasure and rich exchanges.
The cocktail reception then kicked off, with a show cooking session hosted by the Golf de Bonmont chef, which delighted the taste buds of all present. The truffle risotto, combined with carefully selected wines, enhanced the evening's taste experience.
The evening continued magnificently with a tasting of Davidoff Maduro Toroaccompanied by a meticulous selection of spirits by Trésors du Chai. And as is our custom with Davidoff, we added a number of surprises and exclusive gifts, allowing our guests to extend the tasting experience at home.
We'd like to extend our warmest thanks to all the participants for sharing this moment with us. Your commitment makes every event more special, and we look forward to welcoming you back for future culinary adventures.
We look forward to welcoming you to our new gustatory adventures!