Discover today the 10 best cigars in the world 2023 according to Cigar Passion
The art of cigar making, a centuries-old tradition, is a celebration of flavors and stories that have been passed down from generation to generation.
When you ask yourself what the 10 best cigars are, you can't ignore the fact that every cigar, and Cuban cigars in particular, has its own signature and its own story to tell.
Whether you're an aficionado or a novice looking for quality cigars, immerse yourself in an exploration of the ten jewels in the cigar crown, guaranteeing distinctive features, aromatic intensity, and aromas unrivalled.
1. Padron 1964 Anniversary Series (Various modules)
A Journey through Time and Flavors
Among the world's finest vitolas, the Padron 1964 Anniversary series stands out. Although not Cuban in origin, it evokes the rich history and passion of the Padron family. The scent of a tobacco field under the Nicaraguan sun mingles with the intense aroma of the most famous Cubans.
- Origin: Nicaragua
- Modules: Miscellaneous
- Notes: Subtle, sophisticated, roasted, spicy
- Flavors: Cedar wood, hazelnut, coffee, earthy notes
- Strength: 4/5 Origin: Nicaragua
2. Arturo Fuente Don Carlos Reserva Superior Robusto (Robusto, 48 x 127 mm)
The Quintessence of Friendship and Tradition
Although not a Cuban cigar, theArturo Fuente rivals the best of this terroir in terms of history and character. Its aroma reminds us of evenings spent discussing the best blend of leaves around a wooden table.
- OriginCameroon, Dominican Republic
- Module: Figurado
- NotesSmooth, woody
- FlavorsLeather, deep chocolate, hints of honey
- Force: 4/5
3. Davidoff Winston Churchill Late Hour Toro (Toro, 54 x 152 mm)
Inside Churchill's Reflective Nights
Evoking those late hours when Winston Churchill pondered the fate of his nation, this Davidoff captures the spirit and tenacity of one of the greatest political figures of the 20th century. Experience a journey through time and savor the genius.
- OriginDominican Republic, Ecuador, Mexico, Nicaragua
- Module: Toro
- NotesWoody, spicy, roasted cocoa
- FlavorsDried fruit, pepper, whisky smoke
- Force: 4/5
4. Oliva Serie V Double Robusto (Robusto, 52 x 127 mm)
Nicaragua's well-kept secrets
Every beat of Nicaragua's heart finds its voice in this cigar. Oliva Serie V is an ode to the land, sea and sky of this vibrant nation. A symphony of flavors awaits the enthusiast who chooses to light it.
- Origin: Nicaragua
- Module: Robusto
- NotesPeppery, spicy
- FlavorsCedar, roasted coffee, almonds, dark chocolate
- Force: 4/5
5. My Father Le Bijou 1922 Petit Robusto (Robusto, 50 x 114 mm)
Eternal Memories of a Devoted Family
Imagine a patriarch passing on his knowledge to the next generation, every secret, every lesson encapsulated in that creation. Le Bijou 1922 is exactly that: a jewel of tradition and family pride.
- OriginNicaragua, Ecuador
- Module: Robusto
- NotesCreamy, spicy
- FlavorsBitter dark chocolate, white pepper
- Force: 3/5
6. La Flor Dominicana Andalusian Bull (Figurado, 64 x 165 mm)
The Dominican Epic, Pure Refinement
Inspired by the beauty and mystery of Andalusia, this cigar is a delicate dance between strength and finesse. Let yourself be carried away by this bull, a symbol of power and passion.
- OriginDominican Republic
- Module: Figurado
- Notes: Creamy, woody
- FlavorsLeather, dark chocolate, honey
- Force: 4/5
7. Plasencia 149 Azacualpa Toro (Toro, 52 x 152 mm)
The Enchanted Mountains of Honduras
Immerse yourself in Honduran heritage, where nature and man combine to create a cigar of incredible depth. Visit Plasencia 149 is an invitation to embrace the authenticity of the terroir.
- OriginHonduras
- Module: Toro
- NotesWoody nuances, subtle roasting
- FlavorsCedar, coffee essence, spices, cream, chocolate base
- Force: 4/5
8. Oliva Serie V Melanio Figurado (Figurado, 52 x 165 mm)
The Bewitching Mysteries of Nicaragua
Every aroma of this cigar resonates with the soul of Nicaragua. L'Oliva Serie V Melanio Figurado is a celebration of the elements of this rich land, a song to nature and the art of cigar making. A rich and complex tasting experience awaits those who choose to set this masterpiece ablaze.
- Origin: Nicaragua
- Module: Figurado
- Notes: Peppery, woody, with a touch of spice
- Flavors: Chocolate, coffee, cedar and a hint of caramel
- Strength: 4/5
9. Davidoff Yamasa Toro (Toro, 20.6 x 152 mm)
The mysteries of the Yamasa earth
In the heart of the Dominican Republic, where the land and the climate merge, is born the Davidoff Yamasa Toro. An exquisite journey of flavors, a tribute to passion and expertise. Let yourself be transported by the essence of Yamasa.
- Origin: Dominican Republic
- Module: Toro
- Notes: Earthy, pepper, subtle complexity
- Flavors: Chocolate, coffee, cedar wood, leather notes
- Strength: 3/5
10. Tatuaje Black Label Corona Gorda (Corona Gorda, 46 x 143 mm)
An Enigma of American Flavors
Every puff of this cigar reveals the soul and passion of its creator, Pete Johnson. The Tatuaje Black Label Corona Gorda is a journey into the nuances of the earth, a waking dream in which tradition and innovation mingle. It is often appreciated for its unique flavor profile and excellent balance.
- Origin: Nicaragua
- Module: Corona Gorda
- Notes: Woody, earthy, with hints of leather
- Flavors: Chocolate, coffee, spices, a hint of hot pepper
- Strength: 3/5
The magic of cigars lies not only in their taste and aroma, but also in the age-old traditions and craftsmanship involved in making them. When you ask yourself which cigars are the best in Cuba or the world, you discover that origins, histories and characters vary.
Although many turn to Cuban cigars, it's essential to appreciate every detail, every nuance, and every precious moment, because the best cigar is often a matter of personal preference.
Bonus: The Quintessence of Cuban Cigar
For those who lose themselves in the passion for Cuban cigars, certain classics are unavoidable and remain top values in the world of cigars. These pieces, true treasures of the island, are renowned for their exceptional consistency, both in terms of flavor and construction.
Partagas Serie D No. 4
A true jewel of Havana, the Partagas D4 is well known for its rich, spicy blend. It's a robusto that never disappoints, offering a complete smoking experience, with earthy, spicy notes.
Hoyo de Monterrey Epicure N°2
This robusto is a favorite of many cigar lovers for its smoothness and complexity. With notes of cedar, honey and a hint of spice, this is a cigar to savor slowly.
Cohiba Siglo VI
Visit Cohiba is perhaps Cuba's most emblematic brand, and the Siglo VI is often considered one of the best cigars in its range. It offers a complex palette of flavors, from leathery notes to hints of cocoa and vanilla.
Montecristo No. 2
A timeless classic, the Montecristo No. 2 is a torpedo that offers a perfect balance between strength and sweetness. Its notes of black pepper, coffee and chocolate make it a preferred choice for many connoisseurs.
Romeo y Julieta Churchill
Named after the famous British Prime Minister, this cigar is a classic with sweet notes, fruity touches and a creamy finish.
Bolivar Belicosos Finos
For those looking for a cigar with a good dose of power, the Bolivar is the ideal choice for tasting. This belicoso offers deep earthy notes, complemented by spices and a hint of dark chocolate.
Whether you're a long-time enthusiast or looking to discover Cuban classics, these cigars are must-haves. They embody the richness, tradition and excellence of Cuban cigar culture.