Discover the differences between Nicaraguan and Honduran cigars: unique terroirs, distinct flavors and exclusive recommendations.
While Cuba remains the undisputed leader in terms of prestige and renown in the premium cigar industry, other countries are now distinguishing themselves as major players in the market. In 2023, Nicaragua and Honduras became the two main exporters of handmade cigars to the United States, the world's leading market for premium cigars. Renowned for their unique terroir, traditional growing methods and exceptional craftsmanship, these two countries are must-visit destinations for aficionados in search of a high-end tasting experience.
How have Honduras and Nicaragua established themselves in the premium cigar market?
Beyond the production of premium cigars, the cigar industries in Honduras and Nicaragua share common roots. These two countries, which share a common border, were the refuge of Cuban emigrants who fled the island in the 1960s due to the nationalization of cigar factories and tobacco plantations by the Castro government.
This state takeover of the industry forced manufacturers to seek refuge in other neighboring countries in order to continue their activities. In addition to their traditional know-how, some of them took Cuban seeds with them to develop their crops outside Cuban soil.
Honduras and Nicaragua were chosen not only because of their geographical proximity to Cuba, but also because of their favorable climatic conditions. Bordered to the west by the Pacific Ocean and to the east by the Caribbean Sea, these two countries benefit from a tropical climate and volcanic soil ideal for growing tobacco.
Despite the political turmoil that has affected these regions, sometimes forcing manufacturers to halt production, the cigar industry in Nicaragua and Honduras has steadily expanded. Stimulated by the American embargo on Cuba in 1962 and by the "boom" in "hand-made" cigars in the USA in the 1990s, this production has enabled these two terroirs to assert themselves as the main exporters of premium cigars to the USA and as major players in the cigar industry. New Worldalongside the Dominican Republic.
Distinctive features of Honduran and Nicaraguan cigars
Although the main tobacco-producing areas of Honduras and Nicaragua lie along their common border, tobacco from each country has its own distinctive characteristics.
Honduran cigars
Prior to the arrival of Cuban manufacturers on its soil, Honduras had a wild, indigenous tobacco called "Copaneco". Prized by the colonial authorities, this variety was considered one of the best tobaccos in Central America. However, it wasn't until the 1970s and the creation of the Manufacture La Flor de Copan for Copan cigars to gain international renown. When Cuban seeds were introduced to Honduran soil, tobacco varieties have increased considerably.
Thanks to the specificity of the soil, these seeds produced varieties that today have nothing in common with those found in Cuba. Today, the main types of tobacco grown in the country are Connecticut Shade and Corojo Shade. Premium tobacco plantations are concentrated in the Copán, Jamastrán and Danlí regions.
Honduran cigars are renowned for their full-bodied, complex flavors, with woody, spicy and earthy notes. Nevertheless, Honduras produces a wide variety of cigars, from mild and creamy to full-bodied.
Our Honduran cigar recommendations :
- CAO OSA Lot 58
- Camacho Corojo Robusto
- La Estancia Edición Exclusiva EE56
- Alec Bradley Prensado Churchill
Nicaraguan cigars
Located between Honduras and Costa Rica, Nicaragua is the largest country in Central America. Thanks to its tropical climate and iron- and mineral-rich soil, it is home to some of the world's most lush tobacco plantations, mainly around the regions of Esteli, Condega, Jalapa and the island of Ometepe. According to Nestor Plasencia, one of the country's leading exporters, "no other country has soils as suitable for tobacco as Nicaragua".
Today, more than 42,000 people work on Nicaraguan cigar plantations, kilns and factories. The country also boasts over 5,000 cigar brands, including some of the industry's most prestigious manufacturers, such as Cumpay, Alec & Bradley, Padron, Casa Magna or even AJ Fernandez. Thanks to craftsmanship imported from Cuba, tobacco growing is now handed down from generation to generation, with the same attention to detail.
Our Nicaraguan cigar recommendations :
- Padrón 1964 Anniversary Series Torpedo - Voted "Best Cigar of the Year 2021" at the Cigar Aficionado.
- Davidoff Nicaragua Robusto
- Oliva Serie V Melanio Torpedo
- E.P. Carrillo Pledge Prequel - Voted "Best Cigar of the Year 2020" at the Cigar Aficionado.
Nicaraguan cigars vs Honduran cigars: Which to choose?
While each terroir offers specific aromatic characteristics that depend on the chemical composition of their soils, it's important to bear in mind that the industry classifies cigars according to their country of production, not the origin of the tobacco leaves they contain. For example, a cigar made with a Habano wrapper from Ecuador and a Dominican filler may be called a "Nicaraguan cigar".
The strength and taste of a cigar will therefore depend entirely on the blend chosen by a manufacturer, and not on the country of manufacture. If you really want to discover the typical aromas of a terroir, you can opt for a Nicaraguan puro such as the Plasencia Reserva Original Corona or a Honduran puro like the Flor de Selva Robusto.
In addition to their aromatic richness and traditional manufacturing methods, Nicaraguan and Honduran cigars present themselves as inexpensive alternatives to their Cuban counterparts. According to Special Report: 2023 Year in Review "from Cigar Aficionado The average suggested retail price of Honduran cigars is 12.14 $ (...) The average price of a Nicaraguan is 13.02 dollars". These cigars are therefore an ideal choice for all cigar aficionados looking for a premium, affordable smoke.
What are the distinctive features of Honduran and Nicaraguan cigars?
Honduran cigars are renowned for their full-bodied, complex flavors, with woody, spicy and earthy notes, while Nicaraguan cigars offer powerful, sweet, earthy and spicy aromas. The unique climatic conditions of each country influence the distinctive flavors of their tobaccos.
How to choose between Nicaraguan and Honduran cigars?
While each terroir offers specific aromatic characteristics, it's important to note that the industry classifies cigars according to their country of production, not according to the origin of the tobacco leaves they contain. If you want to discover the typical aromas of a particular terroir, we recommend you opt for a puroA cigar made exclusively from tobacco leaves from the same region.
Why are Nicaraguan and Honduran cigars an ideal choice for cigar aficionados?
Nicaraguan and Honduran cigars offer an upscale yet affordable tasting experience. With their unique aromatic richness, traditional manufacturing methods and affordable prices, they represent particularly interesting alternatives to their Cuban counterparts.