A good cigar is characterized by the following elements: combustibility, texture, flavor, elasticity, aroma, color and the right balance of nicotine and oils in the blend. All these characteristics can be found in Dominican cigars.
A cigar should be hand-rolled, created with high-quality tobacco, with an even, smooth leaf and no veins; it should not sting or smell bitter, and it should not have a pungent or bitter taste or aroma. The cigar's flavor will be enhanced by the use of tobacco leaves with a darker, thicker texture. But how can we tell if a cigar is of good quality?
How is cigar quality determined?
The production standards used, the conservation procedure and aging, and the tobacco fermentation process during cigar manufacture, determine the cigar's distinctive quality. If expertly made with high-quality tobacco leaves, the cigar burns evenly from start to finish, giving off a pleasant aroma.
Tobacco quality is defined by leaf morphology and chemical content. These results are the fruit of a variety of complex and varied elements, such as the grower's and user's points of view. During the harvest period, the softness, feel and texture of the tobacco leaf are all important characteristics to take into account.
For the consumer, however, qualitative value is determined by characteristics such as fragrance, flavor, cigar burn and whether or not the ashes separate from the cigar wrapper.
The slow, continuous combustion of cigars is preferred by producers and customers alike. For this to happen, the layers of tobacco leaves must be stacked concentrically. As the tobacco burns, the smoker detects the aroma, which is the smell of the smoke given off by the tobacco. This is one of the most important factors in determining the characteristics of tobacco. Another essential aspect in determining the overall quality of a product is taste. There must be a balance between the components of the cigar to obtain a pleasant taste.
Tobacco must be exposed to the humidity of near-coastal climates, stored in a large warehouse to be ventilated, then fermented until it is aromatic, smooth and ready to be preserved to guarantee a cigar of superior quality.
For optimum results, tobacco leaf fermentation varies between one and 3 years. Within this range, the longer the tobacco is aged, the greater the flavor and aroma of the cigar.
The manufacturer can customize the ageing time to suit his own preferences.
What are the best Dominican cigars?
The Dominican Republic is home to some of the world's best-known cigars. They have a distinctive flavor and are in constant demand. In addition to their exceptional quality, the popularity of Dominican cigars can be attributed to the region's history. Cuban farmers fled to South America at the start of the Cuban embargo, when all tobacco products were nationalized and became state property.
Many of them chose to settle in the Dominican Republic because of the similarity of temperature and terrain to their own country. These farmers, who were to become industry legends, were descended from generations of great cigar makers, and had accumulated a wealth of knowledge and expertise from years spent working in the fields of Cuba.
Once settled in their new home, they began cultivating the high-quality Cuban seeds they had brought with them, and started growing the tobacco that became world-famous thanks to their efforts.
The best Dominican cigars have earned a reputation over the years for being well-constructed, tasty and offering a range of strengths from extreme sweetness to intense flavor. Below is a list of our 3 favorite Dominican cigars.
Fuente Fuente's Opus X, a work of art
There's no better cigar to showcase the Dominican Republic than one made exclusively from Dominican tobaccos, from the wrapper to the filler. The Fuente Fuente Opus X is the most sought-after Dominican puro in the world. Carlito Fuente developed this highly sought-after profile over many years, while showing extreme patience in developing a cape leaf in the Dominican Republic, a feat many predicted he would never achieve. Clearly, he has disproved any skeptics that might have existed. A thick, oily wrapper grown on the Château de la Fuente estates surrounds a core of long-filler Dominican tobaccos that have undergone extensive maturation to yield nuances of leather, cedar, oak, figs and spice, as well as an exceptional, strong finish, in a beautifully wrapped cigar. Due to their limited production, Opus X cigars can be difficult to find on a regular basis. However, they are easier to obtain online than in stores. If you happen to come across one, we urge you to indulge without hesitation.
ESG Ashton, a real pleasure
It's only fitting that we continue with another illustrious Dominican puro for good measure. Ashton ESG, like Opus X, is a blend created by Carlito Fuente using only the finest tobaccos harvested on the Château de la Fuente estates. Ashton ESG stands for Estate Sun Grown, a reference to the blend's sparkling wrapper leaf. An unrivalled blend of Dominican binder and filler tobaccos lurks beneath the surface. Ashton ESG presents a sumptuous profile of cedar, graham crackers, molasses and Dominican spices, with a touch of tobacco sweetness. The cigar was originally created for the brand's twentieth anniversary, but it's exquisite that it has since expanded to encompass five iconic shapes. Taste the essential benchmark of premium Dominican flavor and aroma at its best.
Arturo Fuente Hemingway, the legend
Arturo Fuente Hemingway is an American author and poet who lived in the years, he is among the best-selling authors. This cigar, named after him, is made from a Dominican tobacco blend that is meticulously constructed under an oily Cameroon wrapper leaf in a range of best-selling Figurados like the Short Story. Notes of earth, baking spices and brown sugar emerge in a medium-bodied style. Hemingway cigars have been an icon of the Dominican Republic for decades, easily appreciated by novice cigar aficionados and seasoned experts alike. Hemingway cigars are available in a variety of sizes and flavors.
Finally, at Cigarpassion you'll find a wide range of Dominican cigars that you can order from the comfort of your sofa. Popular, rare, light, strong, woody, fruity, etc.; visit our section dominican cigars to discover all we have to offer.
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