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10 most common mistakes made by cigar aficionados

The 10 most common mistakes made by cigar aficionados

5 reading minutes


Cigar smoking is much more than just a hobby, it's a true passion shared by cigar aficionados the world over. While offering a relaxing and contemplative experience for everyone, this art requires patience, attention to detail and respect for tradition. As a result, even the most experienced amateurs can sometimes make mistakes that can compromise their experience. In this article, we explore the most common mistakes made by cigar aficionados, and provide our expert advice on how to make every tasting experience a truly pleasurable one.

1. Choosing the wrong cigar

One of the most common mistakes made by cigar aficionados is to choose a cigar that doesn't match their personal preferences and level of experience. Some novice smokers may be tempted to opt for cigars that are too strong or too mild, without taking their palate into account.

Our advice : It's essential to take the time to explore different brands, terroirs, sizes and flavors to find the cigars that best suit your tastes. Don't hesitate to enlist the help of a professional who will be able to provide you with personalized recommendations, and read our article on the steps involved in choosing a cigar. choosing your cigar.

2. Improper cigar storage

The way you store your cigars can have a significant impact on their flavor and quality. A common mistake is to store them in too dry or too humid an environment, such as a cigar box or refrigerator. Excessive humidity can lead to mold formation, while insufficient humidity can make your cigars dry and bitter.

Our advice : It's essential to invest in a quality humidor and regularly monitor humidity levels. Ideally, relative humidity should be maintained between 65 and 70 % and the temperature constant between 18 and 21°C. By respecting these conditions, you'll guarantee an optimal environment for the preservation and ageing of your cigars.

3. Cutting a cigar incorrectly

The cut of a cigar is a crucial step which can have a considerable impact on your tasting experience. A cut that is too deep can lead to excessive draught, resulting in overly rapid combustion and a burnt taste. It can also damage the wrapper, even detaching it completely from the headstock. Conversely, a cut that's too shallow can obstruct the draft, resulting in shallow smoke and an unpleasant experience.

Our advice We recommend using a quality cigar cutter and sharpened for a clean, precise cut. Opt for a cut adapted to the shape of your module. Typically, cut just above the rounded shoulder, at the cigar head. For further details, please consult our article on The best cutting methods for your cigars.

Cutting a cigar incorrectly

4. Using an inappropriate ignition method

Not all flames are created equal. Using an inappropriate ignition method can therefore alter the flavours of your cigar and hinder proper combustion. To preserve the tobacco's natural aromas and guarantee uniform combustion, it is essential to choose a ignition method soft and odorless.

Our advice : Focus on butane lightersmatches and cedar sticks to light your cigars. Keep the flame 2 or 3 cm from the foot of the cigar, and rotate it gently to heat the wrapper evenly.

5. Smoke too quickly

Enjoying a cigar takes time and patience. If you smoke too quickly, the temperature inside your cigar will rise, altering the quality of the smoke and making your cigar bitter. In this case, you risk not being able to fully appreciate the complexity of its aromas. What's more, overheating can lead to a build-up of tar, which can cause nausea.

Our advice Take your time and enjoy each puff, respecting a puffing frequency of about one puff per minute.

6. Tapping cigar ashes excessively

Premium cigars offer dense, long-lasting ash. So there's no need to tap your cigar regularly as you would with a cigarette. What's more, preserving your ash helps to regulate the temperature inside the cigar and release its aromas gently.

Our advice Simply place your cigar on the ashtray between puffs, and the ash will fall out on its own when ready. If the ash reaches about 2.5 cm in length, or if it starts to crack, you can gently remove it by rolling your cigar.

Tapping cigar ashes excessively

7. Crush your cigar

You've probably already noticed, but when you crush a cigar in an ashtray, an unpleasant odor is released. This stench is caused by the release of oils and tars contained in the tobacco.

Our advice Once you have finished your tasting, simply place your cigar in the ashtray and let it go out naturally.

8. Save a half-finished cigar for later

It is generally not advisable to keep a half-finished cigar for later enjoyment. Once lit, your cigar begins to release its aromas and flavours. If you leave it unlit for any length of time, it may lose some of its aromatic characteristics, altering your tasting experience.

Our advice Before lighting a cigar, make sure you have enough time to fully enjoy it. However, if you've had your cigar out for less than an hour, it's possible to relight it, taking care to cut your cigar back to within 1 centimetre of the combustion chamber and to degas your cigar.

9. Remove ring too soon

A cigar's band is mainly decorative and does not affect its internal structure. Consequently, you can remove it without altering your tasting experience. However, because of the glue used to attach the band, we recommend that you do not remove it before lighting your cigar, as this may damage the wrapper.

Our advice To remove the band: Wait until your cigar has reached the second third of its length before removing the band. Once the cigar has warmed up, the pectin will soften and you'll be able to remove the ring easily without risk of tearing.

10. Not appreciating the variety of cigars

Some cigar enthusiasts tend to stick to a single brand or type of cigar, severely limiting their sensory experience. By neglecting the diversity of the flavours and aromas offered by cigarsThey're missing out on the opportunity to discover the full richness of this universe.

Our advice : Dare to step out of your comfort zone and explore the different terroirstobacco varieties and manufacturing methods. By broadening your horizons, you may be pleasantly surprised by the new taste sensations on offer.


Is it possible to split a cigar in two?

No, it's not advisable to cut a cigar in 2 to share it. Cigars are made from a blend of tobaccos distributed asymmetrically to create a complex and evolving tasting experience. Cutting a cigar in 2 would alter its flavors and compromise the experience intended by the manufacturer.

Can cigars be stored in the refrigerator?

We do not recommend storing cigars in a refrigerator. This environment is too dry to maintain the humidity required to preserve cigars. What's more, cigars can absorb odours from the fridge, which can alter their flavours.

How long can I keep a half-finished cigar?

You can keep an opened cigar for up to one hour. Beyond this time, the flavours may be significantly altered and you will no longer be able to enjoy a satisfying tasting experience.

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