Discover the art of cigar rolling with Davidoff's master torcedors, straight from the sunny fields of the Dominican Republic. They cross oceans and borders to share their exceptional art with you.
Since its launch in 2004, the Davidoff Robusto Real Especiales revolutionized the world of cigars by integrating five filler tobaccos. Reintroduced in 2019 as a limited edition, this exceptional cigar is once again available, freshly rolled for the occasion. Composed of seven aged tobaccos, from the same tobaccos used in Davidoff's iconic Signature, Grand Cru, Aniversario, and Millennium lines, this complex blend includes tobaccos from Ecuador and six regions of the Dominican Republic.
Taste the limited edition Robusto Real Especial in a brand new form: freshly rolled and rediscover four of the brand's historic lines: Signature, Grand Cru, Aniversario, and Millennium. A unique way to compare freshly rolled and aged cigars.
Information :
- When? Wednesday, September 11, 2024 from 6:30 p.m.
- Where? Le Golf Club du Domaine Impérial, 1196 Gland, Switzerland
- Dress code: Casual chic with a white blouse or shirt
On the program for this evening:
- Davidoff Master Roller: Watch a Davidoff torcedora demonstrate the art of cigar rolling.
- Davidoff cigar tasting: A freshly rolled Robusto Real Especial cigar and four modules from The White Band Collection.
- Three-course dinner
- Tasting of carefully selected spirits
Reservation :
- Only 40 places available
- The price is 149 CHF per person