Cigar culture is constantly evolving, shaped by changing consumer tastes and the innovative spirit of cigar makers. Once the preserve of a social elite, the world of cigars is being reinvented by a new generation of aficionados. These enthusiasts are looking for ever more singular and authentic experiences, rooted in respect for tradition. This phenomenon reflects an industry in the throes of change, skilfully balancing heritage and innovation. In this article, we explore the main cigar trends and the driving forces behind them.
Economic trends
According to business intelligence consultancy Mordor Intelligence, the " the size of the cigar market is estimated at 53.64 billion USD in 2024 and should reach 88.28 billion USD by 2029".[1]. This growth is fuelled by a number of factors, including market premiumization and thegrowing consumer interest in cigar culture.
Premiumization of the market
Visit premiumization is a major trend which dominates the cigar market. Rising disposable incomes stimulate demand for luxury productsThis has led to increased consumer interest in premium cigars. Consumers are increasingly willing to spend more on cigars handcrafted from premium tobacco leaves and produced by world-renowned brands.
Sales of premium Cuban cigars increased by 31% in 2023, and this trend shows no sign of slowing down. According to José Maria Lopez Inchaurbe, vice-president in charge of development at Habanos S.A., the development of high-end "specialty products" with limited and exclusive editions were also "one of the growth drivers in 2023".
Influence of cigar promotion
Visit premium cigar promotionThrough trade shows, clubs, specialized events and the influence of celebrities, consumer interest in this world has grown considerably. These meeting places offer enthusiasts a friendly environment to taste cigars, exchange experiences and discuss brand and terroir preferences.
At the same time, celebrity endorsements reinforce the appeal of this art of living, by associating cigars with an image of luxury and sophistication. This combination of factors is helping to boost the worldwide popularity of premium cigars and consolidate the community of aficionados.
Consumer trends
Module size
Since the 1990s, preferences for cigar diameter have evolved considerably. Whereas in the twentieth century, cigars with a cepo of 26 to 48 were widely favoured, today's cigar aficionados are turning more towards large-diameter cigars. Worldwide sales, particularly of Cuban cigars, are in fact showing a marked upward trend. a real craze for cepo 50 cigars and more. According to Fernando Domínguez Valdés-Hevia, Imperial Tobacco PLC's Director of Premium Cigars " Sales of large-diameter cigars - 50 or more - now account for more than 50 % of total Habanos sales. ".
This evolution in tastes can be explained by several factors. First of all, large-calibre cigars have gained in popularity thanks to their representation in certain film and media productionswhere they became the symbol of power and social success. One thinks, of course, of Tony Montana's character in Scarface, whose cigar size evolves as he rises in the gangster hierarchy. This prestigious image has contributed to the idea that the size of a cigar is proportional to its smoker's status.
But this trend is also the result of a better understanding by aficionados of the nuances offered by different cigar formats. Enthusiasts have developed a more sophisticated appreciation of the factors that influence tasting. They know, for example, that a large-calibre cigar brûle plus lentement qu'a fine cigarThis increased knowledge of cigar subtleties enables connoisseurs to make more informed choices, according to their personal preferences and the time they wish to devote to tasting. This increased knowledge of cigar subtleties enables connoisseurs to make more informed choices, according to their personal preferences and the time they wish to devote to tasting.
Faced with this growing demand for large-diameter cigars, the manufacturers have diversified their range to include more cigars of cepo 50 and over. Visit Cohiba Behike 56 and the MUWAT have become emblematic of this trend. In the same spirit, Habanos S.A. is gradually reducing its range of fine cigars. For example, the company recently discontinued the Sancho Panza Molinos and Vegas Robaina Clasicos in his portfolio, which were Lonsdales.
This dynamic is also supported by innovations in production techniques, ensuring that even large cigars maintain exceptional quality. It is also interesting to note that this trend is accompanied by a increased interest in small cigars offering a large cepo. These cigars allow you to enjoy the same flavour and intensity as a full-size cigar, while offering a more enjoyable experience. faster tasting. They perfectly adapted to modern lifestylesThe time available for relaxation is often limited.
This tasty, perfectly balanced blend offers a mesmerizing experiencerevealing layers of remarkable complexity given its robustness. Because of its power, we advise you not to enjoy theOliva Serie V on an empty stomach. To complete your tasting experience, you can accompany it with black coffee, aged rum, single malt scotch or dark beer.
Choice of terroir
The choice of terroir plays a crucial role in the quality and reputation of premium cigars. Historically, Cuba a dominthe market thanks to its unique climate, rich soils and unique know-how. However, the nationalization of tobacco plantations and factories in the wake of the Cuban Revolution has had a major impact. upset this hegemonyIn addition, the embargo imposed by the United States on Cuba opened up the market for these New World cigars. What's more, the US embargo against Cuba opened up the market to these New World cigars.
Countries such as Nicaragua, the Dominican Republic and Honduras have taken advantage of this opportunity. In 2022, the United States, which alone accounts for two-thirds of global cigar sales, imported 464.5 million premium cigars. Visit Nicaraguathe Dominican Republic and the Honduras are the three main suppliers, with 250.8 million, 128.9 million and 83 million cigars respectively exported to the United States that year. This growing appeal of these new terroirs is partly explained by the looking for premium cigars that offer better value for money than cuban cigars.
Nonetheless, recent price rises for some of Habanos S.A.'s most prestigious brands, particularly cigars Cohiba and TrinidadThe global craze for this terroir seems to have no hold whatsoever. In February 2024, Habanos S.A. announced a record sales of $721 million for 2023This represents an increase of 31% over the previous year.
According to Jorge Luis Fernandez Maique, vice-president of sales for Habanos S.ACuban cigars froḿcurrently hold market sharé à l'és global scale'70 % in volume (for the number of'unit́s sold) and 80 % in value (for sales of'business réalisé) "in the premium category. By region and by value, Europe remains the main market for Cuban cigars (56%), followed by Asia-Pacific (21%), the Americas (13%) and Africa and the Middle East (10%).[2].
Consumer preferences in terms of terroir thus remain varied. As the Ernesto Perez-Carrillo "Consumers can tell you which country makes the most consistent cigars (...) Whether it's a 5 $ or a 25 $ cigar, the country that makes the best cigars is the one that makes you want to buy its cigars again and again". Ultimately, the choice of terroir remains a matter of personal taste, as each enthusiast seeks a unique and fully satisfying experience.