Whether you're an occasional cigarette smoker looking for an introduction to the pleasures of cigars, or someone who's just bought their first cigar and isn't quite sure where to start, this guide is for you. Here, together we'll discover the essential steps involved in smoking a cigar. Whether you're an occasional cigarette smoker or a complete novice, the art of cigar smoking can seem daunting. But don't panic! This guide is designed for you.
1. How to choose the right cigar: the best modules for beginners
Getting started with the right cigar is essential. For beginners:
- Robusto : Renowned for its mildness, it offers a perfect introduction to cigar flavors without being too intense.
- Corona Finer than the Robusto, the Corona offers an even burn, ideal for beginners.
Also consider the color of the tobacco. Lighter shades are generally softer, perfect for beginners.
2. Discovering the head and foot of the cigar
- The Head This is the end you cut off. It is distinguished by its rounded shape.
- The Foot This is the party you light. It's usually pre-sliced and ready to light.
Understanding these two elements is essential for preparing and lighting your cigar correctly.
3. How to cut a cigar: the essential tool - the cigar cutter
It is essential to cut your cigar properly to ensure good combustion.
- Always use a sharp cigar cutter.
- Perform a clean cut on the head of the cigar, taking care not to cut too deeply.
A poorly made cut can ruin your experience, so invest in a good one. cigar cutter !
4. The art of lighting a cigar: lighters vs. matches
Lighting must be uniform to avoid irregular combustion.
- Cedar matches These sulfur-free matches provide a gentle ignition. Make sure the sulfur is completely burned off before approaching the cigar.
- Lighters : Avoid petrol lighters, which can alter the taste. Opt for a butane lighter.
5. Shooting without inhaling: savouring flavours
Unlike a cigarette, a cigar is enjoyed without inhaling.
- Take short puffs, ideally at intervals of about one minute, as recommended by Zino Davidoff.
- Hold the smoke in your mouth for a few moments to appreciate the flavours.
- Exhale slowly.
6. Cigar appreciation: aromas and flavours
Every cigar is unique.
- Aromas : Discover them. Is it woody, spicy or chocolatey? ?
- Flavors : Take the time to enjoy them. Some cigars evolve, offering different flavors as they are consumed.
7. Finishing the cigar
Knowing when to end your cigar is just as important as knowing how to start it. Here are a few tips to bring your experience to a satisfying conclusion:
- Don't smoke it all the way Ideally, finish your cigar when there's about a quarter left. Smoking a cigar to the end can make the smoke too hot and bitter.
- Let it go out naturally : Don't crush it like a cigarette. A good cigar will extinguish itself if you let it rest.
- Observe the combustion cone A sharp burning cone at the end of your cigar means you've smoked at an ideal pace. A blunt cone could mean you've smoked too fast.
8. Clean up after smoking
The end of a tasting also requires a little upkeep to keep your space clean:
- Use an ashtray Make sure you have a suitable ashtray for your cigar. This avoids inconvenience and keeps your space clean.
- Empty regularly Do not allow ashes to accumulate for several days. They can leave a residual odor.
- Clean accessories : Like the cigar cutter. Residues can build up over time. Regular cleaning ensures a clean cut every time.
- Air the room If you're smoking indoors, open the windows to let the smoke escape, to keep your home cool.
Your first cigar?
Smoking a cigar is a rich experience, a sensory dance of flavors and aromas. By following these steps, even beginners can enjoy every puff to the full. But the art of cigar smoking doesn't stop there. As you deepen your experience, you'll begin to recognize and appreciate certain nuances, each cigar having its own unique characteristics.
It's best to write down your experiences every time you smoke a different cigar. Whether it's in a dedicated notebook, a notepad or even a mobile app, keep a record of your experiences. TASTING DIARY. Take note of the module, brand, flavors, intensity and any other details that seem relevant. Over time, this will help you identify your preferences and choose the cigars that best suit your palate.
Remember, as with all of life's pleasures, the key is moderation and appreciation. Each cigar is a work of art, crafted with care and passion. As a smoker, your role is to appreciate this creation at its true worth, puff after puff.
For beginners, start by choosing a cigar with a light to medium shade for a mild flavor. Make sure you cut the head of the cigar and light it simultaneously. Take short puffs without inhaling the smoke.
Use a cedar match or a butane briquette to strike a match. light the foot of the cigar. Make sure you have an even flame all around. Take regular puffs, keeping the smoke in your mouth to enjoy the flavors before exhaling.
Cut off the head of the cigar, which is the rounded end you'll bring to your mouth.
Light the cigar simultaneously, take short puffs without an inhaler, savour the smoke in your mouth to appreciate the flavours, then exhale.
You can use a V-cutter or a punch. In the absence of these tools, use a sharp knife to make a clean incision.
No, you shouldn't inhale or swallow cigar smoke. Keep the smoke in your mouth to savour the flavours, then exhale it.
Keep your cigar in a humidor at a relative humidity of 68-72% to preserve its freshness and flavor.
The ring can be left on while you smoke. However, if it becomes hot or uncomfortable, you can gently remove it.
Ideally, finish your cigar when there's about a quarter of it left, to avoid smoke that's too hot or bitter.
This depends on the size of the cigar. A Robusto cigar can last from 30 to 45 minutes, while a longer cigar like a Churchill can last up to 2 hours.
Choose a quiet, well-ventilated spot, such as a terrace, a cigar lounge, or any other place where you can enjoy the experience undisturbed.
Using a cedar match or butane lighter, light the foot of the cigar, rotating it to ensure even burning. Make sure the cigar is fully lit before you start firing.