There are certain qualities of cigars, such as perfect structure and consistency, that the machine hasn't yet managed to recreate. We're not saying that machine-made cigars are a bad choice; nevertheless, if you have the time and money to spend on a high-quality cigar, it's advisable to opt for a hand-rolled product. The flavors, textures and aromas that are infused into these handmade masterpieces will take your breath away. Let's take a closer look at the differences between a hand-rolled and a machine-made cigar.
Why are handmade cigars superior to machine-made products?
Machine-made cigars are mass-produced and, as a result, certain aspects are lost in the manufacturing process. When smoking a cigar, this is frequently reflected. Consider the difference between a meal fast food and a meal in a Michelin-starred gourmet restaurant. Indeed, additives, tobacco waste, preservatives and chemicals are often used in the production of mass-market cigars. These aspects have a direct impact on the cigar's flavor, aroma, construction and smoking experience.
The making of handmade cigars, which are more than just cigars, is considered a form of artistic expression. Cigar artists meticulously craft the cigars, ensuring that they meet the highest quality standards at every stage of the process. A genuine hand-rolled cigar is made entirely from natural, aged tobacco leaves from countries such as the United States and Canada. Dominican RepublicEcuador PeruColombia, Cameroon Hondurasthe NicaraguaBrazil MexicoIndonesia and the United States.
3 main distinctions between hand-made and machine-made products
Tripe: Machine-made cigars burn faster than hand-rolled cigars due to the tiny particles of tobacco, glue and additives they contain. Homogenized tobacco leaf is a material used to make the majority of machine-made products. It is a mixture of tobacco and glue to hold the scraps together. For hand-rolled cigars, a mixture of naturally aged tobacco leaves is frequently used to generate distinct tastes. The procedure is carried out several times until the cigar artists, torcedors, obtain the appropriate shape.
The sub-cape Machine-rolled cigars are made from two leaves of the wrapper. They are fed into the machine and cut in the process. The short filler passes through a hopper, which deposits a measured amount of filler in the underwrapper leaves as they move on a conveyor belt to the next station. Finally, they are cut to a specific length and width. Natural tobacco leaves are still used in the production of handmade cigars. A "torcedor" is used to push them together after they have been wrapped around the filler.
The cape Machine-made cigars require robust materials to withstand the pressure applied. During this phase of the manufacturing process, unnatural substances may be used. Handcrafted cigars, on the other hand, are made from an entirely natural, undamaged tobacco leaf. It is tightly wrapped around the cigar's binder and filler, creating a long, thin cigar. Thanks to the moisture and oils it contains, it generates the ideal combustion conditions for smoking.
Your cigar, your choice
To be honest, buying machine-produced cigars isn't necessarily a bad idea. They're useful when you're smoking in the company of people who aren't experienced smokers or aren't big cigar fans. The final decision as to whether to buy hand-made or machine-made products is completely up to you.
On CigarPassion hand-rolled or machine-made cigars and compare them for yourself. What's more, you're sure to find what you're looking for among the wide variety of cigars available.