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Immerse yourself in the art of premium cigars. Discover industry secrets, legendary brand stories and sharpen your expertise with in-depth articles, practical advice and insider tips.
From simple receptacles for some, to veritable collector's items for others, cigar boxes are an integral part of cigar culture. Unlike humidors, their purpose is not to preserve cigars over time, but to facilitate their transport and protect them from external aggression. They [...]
A true source of pleasure, cigars offer a wide variety of aromas and flavors that make each tasting experience unique. Although some people have a more developed sense of taste and smell than others, the perception and recognition of different aromatic notes, even the most subtle, is not generally an instinctive process. In order to [...]
Whether you're planning to become a cigar sommelier or just a cigar enthusiast, blind tasting is the ideal way to develop your palate and sharpen your senses. Used every year by Cigar Aficionado magazine to draw up its famous list of the "25 best cigars of the year", this exercise enables you to evaluate a cigar objectively, [...].
The creation of a cigar involves many stages, from the cultivation of the plants to the blending of the different tobaccos. While the tobacco processing stages generally meet the same requirements as those of most premium cigar manufacturers, the blending stage is a singular one, through which [...].
With around 6 million cigars produced each year, Padrón is one of the least prolific premium cigar manufacturers in the industry. Nevertheless, its cigars are celebrated by aficionados the world over. From Cuba to Nicaragua, by way of Miami and Honduras, this family-run business has undergone many changes and [...].
If you're a fan of Cuban cigars, you've probably already noticed that some of the most famous brands in the Habanos S.A. catalog also exist on the American market, under similar names. However, these cigars are not made in Cuba, but in the Dominican Republic, Honduras and the United States. But then [...]
Many cigar aficionados like to enjoy their cigars with a drink. Far from distorting the aromatic palette of a cigar, this type of pairing can enhance and amplify your tasting experience when done correctly. In this article, we give you some keys to successful pairing. What is a pairing? The art of [...]
As a cigar enthusiast, it's very likely that you share your passion with some of your friends. Like wine, cigars bring people together and allow them to escape together. Organizing a cigar tasting is therefore an excellent way to spend time with your loved ones, whether at a [...]
Since the 1990s, trends in cigar diameters have undergone a profound change. Whereas the twentieth century saw a marked attraction for cigars from cepo 26 to cepo 48, aficionados are now turning to cigars with larger diameters. Today, worldwide sales testify to a [...].
If so many people are passionate about cigars, it's first and foremost for their incredible aromatic richness. Infinitely adaptable, it offers a plethora of tastes and flavors capable of satisfying the most demanding smokers. This great richness can be explained by a number of factors, such as the growing conditions, the know-how of the growers and [...].
La Couronne S.A.
Rue de Rive 34
1260 - Nyon - Vaud - Switzerland
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