Discover the exceptional heritage of Ashton Cigars, a symbol of excellence and authenticity in the world of premium cigars...
For over thirty years, Ashton Cigars has embodied excellence and authenticity in the world of premium cigars. Renowned for their impeccable quality, exquisite flavours and consistency, Ashton cigars offer a diverse range that satisfies the expectations of a broad spectrum of cigar lovers. Each cigar is meticulously handcrafted at the prestigious Tabacalera A. Fuente in the Dominican Republic, from carefully aged premium tobaccos. With numerous modules rated 90 and above by critics, Ashton today ranks among the 3 most popular brands in the United States and is distributed in over 60 countries.
In this article, we invite you to discover the Ashton heritage, a tradition in which each cigar illustrates exceptional craftsmanship and an unwavering commitment to quality.
Birth of Ashton Cigars
Ashton's story is first and foremost one of inheritance. Robert G. Levinthe brand's founder, began his initiation into the world of cigars as a child. His father, Albert Levin, owned a small cigar store in Philadelphia, the Holt's Cigar Companywhich he bought in the mid-50s. After school, Robert packed shipments and took care of inventory in the store. In 1972, he officially joined the company and became the store's main salesman.
In an interview with Cigar Aficionado in 1996, Robert reveals that his passion for cigars began gradually. Initially destined for a career in communications, the recipient of the "Cigar Trophy Award - Lifetime Achievement in 2020 was brought into the family business by his father's health problems. In 1980, he bought Harry A. Tint & Sonsa high-end cigar company specializing in the import of cuban cigars. After many turbulent years as an importer and distributor of Consolidated Cigarhe decided to launch your own brand.
At the same time, a British pipe maker and friend of Robert's, Bill Taylor, asked him to name his brand after him. "Ashton in order to strengthen the reputation of his own brand: "Ashton Pipes". Despite his misgivings, Robert accepts and officially launched the "Ashton Cigars" brand in 1985. Manufactured by Henke Kelnerthe master blender from Davidoffthe first Ashton cigars were considered to be the first "super-premium" cigars on the market.
The collaboration with A. Fuente : A decisive turning point
In 1988, Robert G. Levin ended his collaboration with Henke and begins work on a new blend with Carlos Fuente Jr.. These two cigar aficionados, long-time friends like their fathers before them, shared a common passion for cigars. shared vision of an unwavering commitment to quality and excellence.
This collaboration marks a turning point for the brand, which saw its sales soar. The Fuente family's know-how, combined with Levin's clear vision, has enabled Ashton to develop its sales on the European market and take its production of 300,000 to 2 million cigars a year in just four years. Today, all Ashton cigars are made at the Tabacalera A. Fuente and each blend is meticulously created in collaboration with Carlito Fuente. Levin also owns the La Aroma del Caribe and Paradisoboth produced by My Father Cigars in Nicaragua. With over 100,000 active customers in its database, the small Philadelphia boutique now one of the world's top five cigar merchants.
Ashton cigar ranges
The profile of Ashton cigars has changed little since the brand's inception, reflecting its commitment to consistency and quality. This consistency is an integral part of Ashton's identity, as evidenced by the manufacturer's first line: theAshton Classic.
Ashton Classic
Manufactured from sublime Connecticut-Connecticut cape with golden blond highlights and a blend of Dominican tobaccos aged between three and four yearstoday, these cigars represent the the brand's flagship. When they were created, Levin's ambition was to produce a cigar that would be "a cigar of the highest quality". fuller-bodied than other popular brands "and at the same time offering taste and body ".
Composed of thirteen modules - including theAshton Classic Majesty Toro, l'Ashton Classic Corona, l'Ashton Classic Magnum and theAshton Classic Churchill - this line brings together the finest and most aromatic tobaccos in the Dominican Republic. It also stands out as one of the few premium cigar ranges to use an authentic Connecticut wrapper, grown exclusively in the USA. The result is a cigar of rare finesse, which offers complexity and character incomparablewith distinctive notes of cedar, coffee, almonds, cashews and spices, all wrapped up in an intoxicating sweetness.
Ashton VSG
Launched in 1999, the Ashton VSG is one of the brand's must-haves. Made from a cape Sun Grown from Ecuador, grown by the Oliva family, and a blend of the finest Dominican tobaccos, produced at Château de la Fuente and carefully aged for four to five years. The result is a powerful, expressive blend, specially designed for lovers of rich, full-bodied flavors.
Available in twelve modules, including the famous Ashton VSG Sorcerer and Ashton VSG SpellboundThis line offers a captivating sensory experience with notes of earth, cedar, black pepper, espresso and leather. With it, Ashton demonstrates its ability to innovate and be daring, while maintaining its high quality standards.
Ashton Cabinet Selection
Other iconic Ashton ranges include theAshton Cabinet Selection. Made from a cape Connecticut Shade With a sparkling finish and a delicious blend of Dominican tobaccos aged between five and seven years, these cigars embody "the best of the best". an obsession with aging the finest tobaccos in a variety of perfect sizes ".
Comprising eleven modules, this line unfurls a smooth, velvety smoke, enhanced by exquisite nuances of cashew nut, almond, white pepper and coffee. Each puff reveals deep, refined flavors that captivate the palate, offering a unique and memorable sensory experience for the most demanding connoisseurs.
Ashton Aged Maduro - Rated 92 - Cigar AficionadoMarch 2023
- Cape : Connecticut Broadleaf
- Subcape: Dominican Republic
- Tripe: Dominican Republic
- Strength: Light to medium
Ashton Estate Sun Grown (ESG) - Rated 94 - Cigar AficionadoSeptember 2014
- Cape : Dominican Republic
- Subcape: Dominican Republic
- Tripe: Dominican Republic
- Strength: Medium to full-bodied
Ashton Heritage Puro Sol - Rated 95 - Cigar AficionadoMarch 2024
- Cape : Habano from Ecuador
- Subcape: Dominican Republic
- Tripe: Dominican Republic
- Strength: Medium
Ashton Symmetry - Rated 94 - Cigar Aficionado, January 2018
- Cape : Habano Rosado from Ecuador
- Subcape: Dominican Republic
- Tripe: Dominican Republic and Nicaragua
- Strength: Full-bodied
From its humble beginnings in the family store in Philadelphia to its rise among the most respected premium cigar brands on the market, Ashton has maintained a remarkable standard of quality. Today, this legacy continues with passion and determination under the leadership of Robert Levin and his son, Sathya Levin. Together, they continue to consolidate Ashton's reputation for creating premium cigars, marking their commitment to excellence and enduring prestige.
What distinguishes Ashton cigars from other brands on the market?
Ashton Cigars stands out for its unwavering commitment to quality and excellence. Each cigar is meticulously handcrafted at Tabacalera A. Fuente in the Dominican Republic, using premium aged tobaccos. This attention to detail ensures a sensory experience of rare finesse with every puff.
What impact has working with the Fuente family had on the Ashton brand?
The collaboration with the Fuente family has been crucial for Ashton, enabling the combination of traditional expertise and modern vision in cigar making. This alliance has not only enriched the product range, but also extended Ashton's international reach and reputation in the industry.
Does Ashton offer a variety of flavour profiles?
Yes, the diversity of Ashton's ranges caters for the varied preferences of cigar aficionados. Whether you prefer smooth, velvety flavors or more robust, full-bodied profiles, Ashton offers a complete range for every taste.
How does Ashton Cigars see its future in the cigar industry?
Ashton Cigars remains resolutely forward-looking, with an ongoing commitment to innovation while maintaining the traditions for which it is renowned. The brand continues to strive for excellence and push the boundaries of what a premium cigar can offer, while preserving its exceptional heritage.