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Built in a centuries-old building, our humidor faithfully recreates what connoisseurs expect when they enter this unique world.
Built on a site steeped in history on the shores of Lake Geneva, La Couronne attracts a clientele of aficionados and personalities from the worlds of tobacco, cinema and politics.
From the moment you enter, you're immersed in a unique atmosphere where the enchanting scents of noble tobaccos mingle with the expertise of our master cigar makers.
La Couronne is a sign where the patina of the years adds a unique charm to any visitor to our home. Authenticity and old-fashioned style invite you to a unique visual and sensory experience. Every detail tells a story: travel souvenirs adorn the walls, while vintage furniture and display cases showcase the precious cigars.
More than just a boutique, La Couronne is a true invitation to travel, a place where you can discover and savor the art of cigar living.
More than 50,000 carefully selected cigars from the most renowned terroirs await you in our boutique. Because each cigar is carefully selected to meet the requirements of the most discerning connoisseurs, we maintain close collaborations with all our partners. This privileged relationship enables us to guarantee the authenticity and provenance of each cigar.
Our supplies are made exclusively through official importers holding direct licensing contracts with the brands. We manage and control the licensed cigar production lines for our own brands. La Couronne works closely with its exclusive Havana supplier, Intertabak AG, to offer the best quality products on the market.
Each cigar box undergoes rigorous inspection to meet the strict requirements of official importers such as Intertabak AG. Renowned for its uncompromising quality control, Intertabak AG is a key player in the cigar market. To ensure your satisfaction, our teams carry out an additional inspection as soon as the cigars are received.
In all, each box undergoes 8 pre-shipment checks, guaranteeing Top-Premium quality at every stage.
In 2003, La Couronne made history by becoming the first cigar boutique in Switzerland to receive two prestigious awards.
On September 1, Carlito - Carlos Fuente Jr, Jeremiah and Joshua Meerapfel personally presented La Couronne with the "Appointed an Autorised Purveyor of Historical Fuente Fuente Opus X cigars" certificate. The same year, La Couronne also received the award for "Best European Civet of the Year". These two awards underline the excellence and expertise of La Couronne, an essential reference for cigar enthusiasts in Switzerland and Europe.
In the world of cigars, authenticity, innovation and excellence are fundamental values. La Couronne is guided by these principles, from the meticulous selection of exceptional cigars to the creation of our own unique productions. Our passion for cigars successfully guides us in the realization of every project we undertake, including the creation of our own cigars and the establishment of a unique venue dedicated to the tasting of your finest cigars.
La Couronne S.A.
Rue de Rive 34
1260 - Nyon - Vaud - Switzerland
Opening hours
Monday to Friday : 10:00am-12:00pm /
Saturday : 9h30-12h00 / 13h00-18h30
Sunday: closed
By email
By phone
Shop* in +41 79 808 58 88
Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.
Customer service +41 79 104 19 98
Monday to Saturday, 10am to 7pm.
*Cost of a local call, depending on your operator.