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La Couronne's daily mission is to offer you cigars of the highest quality, carefully selected from our trusted suppliers. With an inventory of over 500,000 cigars, we set the bar very high in terms of selection and authenticity.
Our exclusive collaboration with Intertabak AG, the official Swiss importer of Habanos, guarantees the authenticity and traceability of every Cuban cigar we offer. This privileged relationship assures you that the Cuban cigars you purchase are authentic.
We firmly believe that quality is not measured by price. Our commitment to price transparency reflects our respect for you, the artisans and importers. By preserving and selling our cigars in optimal conditions, we honor the chain of enthusiasts who make this exceptional cigar experience possible. So you can be assured of the provenance and excellence of every cigar you hold in your hands.
Each box of Cuban cigars purchased on our site has the following distinctive features:
The green Cuban “cellio”, with a secret code hidden in the sticker, a bar code with a unique number identifying the cigar box you have purchased, this code can be identified directly on the official Habanos website, online!
The code in the background
cigar box exterior
includes a 3-letter abbreviation corresponding to the name of the cigar factory and the date (month and year) on which the cigars were packed.
The green Cuban “cellio”, with a secret code hidden in the sticker, a bar code with a unique number identifying the cigar box you have purchased, this code can be identified directly on the official Habanos website, online!
This label guarantees that your box of cigars has undergone six rigorous compliance and quality checks, attesting to the highest Swiss standards, to provide added value to your purchase from our online store.
Click on the “authenticity check” button below to check your cigar box. You will then be taken to a form which will tell you how to enter the code of the product you wish to check.
La Couronne S.A.
Rue de Rive 34
1260 - Nyon - Vaud - Switzerland
Opening hours
Monday to Friday : 10:00am-12:00pm /
Saturday : 9h30-12h00 / 13h00-18h30
Sunday: closed
By email
By phone
Shop* in +41 79 808 58 88
Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.
Customer service +41 79 104 19 98
Monday to Saturday, 10am to 7pm.
*Cost of a local call, depending on your operator.