In-house productions
La Couronne" brand "Productions Maisons" cigars are the result of a meticulous creation process spanning more than three years. This range reflects our know-how and passion for quality and cigar craftsmanship.
These cigars are made with Habanos wrapper leaves from Ecuador, carefully selected and prepared by expert hands. A qualified Master Blender ensures consistent quality and a harmonious smoking experience.
Gran reserva
The "Gran Reserva" category is made up of cigars that stand out for their rich, complex flavor profile, targeting discerning connoisseurs. These cigars feature unusual formats that fuse tradition and innovation.
The construction of these cigars uses advanced techniques to ensure even combustion and a balanced draw. Taste notes generally range from woody to spicy, with hints of cocoa or coffee.
Seleccion privada
The "Seleccion Privada" range represents a further level of refinement, with cigars that offer an intense yet nuanced taste experience. These products are aimed at those seeking precise flavors and strong character.
The finesse of the tobacco used in "Seleccion Privada" provides distinctive aromatic notes. Consumers can expect aromas of dried fruit, leather and earth that combine to create a concert of sensations on the palate.
Geographical origin and tobacco
The tobacco selected for "Home Productions" comes from Ecuador, where the ideal climate and soil contribute to the cultivation of high-quality wrapper leaves. The choice of Habanos tobacco is decisive in conferring finesse and character to the cigars.
Local craftsmanship is enhanced by the use of traditional harvesting methods, guaranteeing the integrity and purity of the leaves used for the cigar wrapper.
Special manufacturing features
Precision manufacturing is at the heart of the "Productions Maisons" reputation. Hand-rolling by experienced rollers ensures unrivalled finish quality and respect for cigar-making traditions.
Every step, from leaf sorting to humidification, is carried out with meticulous care, making every "La Couronne" brand cigar a model of consistency and excellence.
Cultural impact and history
Production Houses" perpetuate the cultural heritage of cigars. The evolution of these categories shows a respectful adaptation of ancient methods to modern taste, significantly influencing cigar culture.
They symbolize the manufacturers' commitment to maintaining tradition while integrating contemporary processes and innovations to meet the demands of today's consumers.