Multi-Terroir Discovery Offers - La Couronne S.A.
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Multi-Terroir Discovery Offers

Explore the world of cigars with Multi-Terroir Discovery Offers, ideal for those wishing to experience a range of flavors from different terroirs without buying a whole box. These selections highlight the unique characteristics of regions such as Central America, praised for its spicy, full-bodied cigars, the Caribbean with Cuban habanos and their earthy notes, and sweet Dominican cigars. South America also adds its touch, with Ecuadorian tobacco prized for capes and robust Brazilian tobacco. Traditions and innovations mingle in these offerings, highlighting varied manufacturing methods, flavors ranging from cocoa to spices, and a cigar culture rich in history. Each cigar reflects its terroir, enriching the experience of aficionados and diversifying the cigar industry.

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Multi-Terroir Discovery Offers


Introduction to Multi-Terroir Discovery Offers

The DĂ©couvertes Multi-Terroir offers are designed for those looking to explore the world of cigars through a variety of flavors and origins. This selection offers a gustatory journey to appreciate the nuances between different terroirs without the commitment of buying a whole box.

Terroirs and their characteristics

Cigar terroir refers to all the environmental factors affecting tobacco growing, such as climate, soil and topography. This origin influences the strength, aroma and complexity of a cigar, with each producing region having its own specific characteristics.

Brand Diversity

The brands featured in our discovery offers represent a cross-section of the quality and diversity available on the market. Each brand brings its own cultivation and manufacturing techniques, contributing to a unique flavor profile.

Central American culture

Central American cigars, particularly those from Nicaragua and Honduras, are renowned for their full body and spicy notes. The leaves from these regions bring a particular richness and varied aromatic palette due to the rich volcanic soils.

Flavors of the Caribbean

Cuba and the Dominican Republic offer cigars with distinct profiles. Cuban habanos are famous for their unique balance and earthy notes. Dominican cigars, on the other hand, are appreciated for their sweetness and aromatic complexity.

South American tobacco

Ecuador and Brazil are rising stars in the cigar world. Ecuadorian tobacco is often used for wrappers, providing smoothness and elasticity. Brazilian tobacco, known for its robustness, is appreciated for its burning qualities and earthy notes.

Special manufacturing features

Production methods vary according to country and tradition. Whether it's hand-rolling, which ensures optimum quality, or the use of machines for certain formats, each technique influences the cigar's draw and burn.

Tasting Notes

Each cigar is a story of its terroir, conveyed through tasting notes that may include flavors of cocoa, leather, fruit, spice and more. The description of these notes is designed to guide but not limit personal experience.

History and Evolution

From the centuries-old history of Cuban cigars to the constant innovation of New World producers, each cigar category has its own story. Cigar appreciation evolves with agricultural practices and rolling techniques that continue to adapt and surprise.

Impact on Cigar Culture

The different cigar categories have shaped the culture and the global market. The variety of terroirs enriches the community of aficionados, offering new experiences and fostering the preservation of traditions while welcoming innovation.


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