Open offers Module - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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Module Discovery Offers

Modular discovery offers invite cigar aficionados to explore the varied world of cigars, allowing them to savor different modules without committing to the purchase of an entire box. Whether experimenting with robustos, coronas or panetelas, these offers are ideal for discovering distinct dimensions and taste experiences. They also offer an insight into brands, reflecting various traditions and know-how, and terroirs, essential to the cigar's taste profile. In this way, we can appreciate the varied constructions and unique tasting notes of each cigar. Striking a balance between tradition and innovation, these offers allow you to experiment with classics as well as contemporary creations, while embracing the rich, global culture of cigars. It's also a charming gift idea for tobacco lovers.

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Module Discovery Offers


Exploring cigars by module

When the desire for discovery combines with a passion for cigars, discovery offers by module offer a unique opportunity for exploration. Choosing a module means venturing into the specific nuances that each cigar shape can offer the smoker.

The modules, with their varied formats, influence the duration of tasting and the intensity of aromas. Robusto, Corona, Panetela: these names evoke both dimensions and singular taste experiences.

Brand diversity

Different cigar brands open the door to different worlds of taste, reflecting distinct traditions and know-how. Each brand has its own signature, a carefully selected blend of tobaccos and its own rolling method.

From the renowned houses of Cuba, with their rich, balanced tobaccos, to the innovative factories of Nicaragua, each brand offers a distinct palette of flavors. The discovery offers allow you to compare these signatures without commitment in a whole box.

Geographical features

Like wine, terroir plays a fundamental role in the flavors of a cigar. Climate, soil and humidity all contribute to the final taste profile. Whether in Cuba, Honduras, the Dominican Republic or Nicaragua, each region brings its own unique character.

The discovery offers by module are an invitation to travel through the terroirs that have shaped the history of cigars, offering a tasting that is also a cultural discovery.

Construction and design

The construction of a cigar is essential to fully appreciate its aromas and combustion. Whether it's a hand-rolled or machine-rolled cigar, each manufacturing method has its own influence on tasting.

From cape to tripe to sous-cape, the selection of leaves and their arrangement are crucial. Our introductory offers provide an insight into the subtleties of production and their impact on tasting.

Tasting notes

A cigar is a tale of many notes: each puff reveals aromas of earth, leather, fruit, citrus or cocoa. These notes are as much a legacy of the terroir as of the talent of the torcedores.

Through our discovery offers by module, smokers have the opportunity to weave their palates around the flavors of the world, identifying the nuances specific to each cigar tested.

Tradition and innovation in the world of cigars

The cigar business is rooted in rich tradition, but welcomes constant innovation. From ancestral cultivation techniques to modern drying and fermentation methods, the balance between past and future is palpable.

The discovery offers by module contribute to this dynamic, making it possible to experiment with both timeless classics and contemporary creations, reflecting the changing tastes and expectations of cigar aficionados.

Global cultural impact

Cigars, beyond their gustatory aspect, are ambassadors of culture. Their stories tell of exchanges, cross-continental influences and cultural cross-fertilization.

By opting for a modular discovery offer, you not only embark on a gustatory journey, but also gain a deeper understanding of the global influence of tobacco and the people who grow, roll and enjoy it.


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