Discovery Offers - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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Worldwide premium cigar merchant since 1978
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Discovery Offers

Give yourself or your loved ones the opportunity to discover new horizons with our exclusive offers. This innovative concept is ideal for exploring different terroirs and brands without the commitment of buying an entire box of cigars. A meticulous selection offers a representative sample of the varied flavor profiles and rich cultural heritage inherent in each cigar. Whether you're an enlightened cigar enthusiast or a novice, immerse yourself in a world of woody, spicy, sweet or earthy tastes, with a manufacturing tradition that combines ancestral know-how with innovation. The discovery offers are a window onto the diversity and evolution of the age-old art of cigar making, perfect for yourself or as a distinctive gift.

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Discovery Offers


Introduction to discovery offers

Exploring new cigar brands and terroirs is a fascinating adventure for cigar aficionados and neophytes alike. Discovery offers are designed for those who wish to broaden their palette of tastes without the financial commitment of buying a whole box of cigars.

Brand selection

Our offerings include a variety of brands carefully selected to represent a broad spectrum of flavor and terroir profiles. From renowned brands to innovative artisans, each selection promises an experience representative of its origin and reputation.

Geographical features and tobacco

Each cigar in our discovery offers is a reflection of its terroir. Whether it's the fertile soils of Cubathe lush valleys of the Nicaragua or the hillsides of Honduras, the tobacco used tells a story about its environment and cultural heritage.

The tobacco varieties used, whether Criollo, Corojo or Connecticut Shade, are selected for their quality and their ability to offer distinct tastes and aromas.

Manufacturing processes

We emphasize traditional manufacturing methods as well as innovative techniques. Hand-crafting, careful aging and rigorous leaf selection are just some of the aspects that define the quality of the cigars presented.

Tasting profile

Tasting notes for each cigar category are precisely described to guide consumers. Whether woody, spicy, sweet or earthy, these indications give an idea of the sensations to expect during tasting.

Tradition and innovation

Our selections celebrate tradition and innovation in the world of cigars. From historic brands to recent innovations, these discoveries offer a glimpse into the evolution of the art of cigar making.

History and culture

Briefly, we discuss the history and cultural contribution of the selected cigar categories. This historical dimension enriches the understanding and appreciation of each cigar.


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