Humidor Zino top brand - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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Zino Humidors, or Zino cigar humidors, are high-quality accessories designed to guarantee optimum cigar preservation. Made in France, they can hold between 40 and 60 cigars, meeting the needs of cigar aficionados and collectors alike. The Acrylic collection is particularly noteworthy for its transparent material, allowing cigars to be admired without opening the humidor. Each model incorporates a Zino humidification system to ensure constant regulation of the humidity required to preserve the aromas and freshness of the tobacco leaves. These humidors represent a balance between tradition, with the use of tried-and-tested artisan methods, and innovation, thanks to the use of modern materials and advanced humidification technologies. They make a significant contribution to cigar culture, enhancing the tasting experience by maintaining cigar quality.

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Humidors Zino

Zino humidors, also known as Zino cigar humidors, are renowned for their ability to maintain optimum preservation conditions. Produced in France, these humidors are of the highest design quality.

Design and materials

The Acrylic collection is distinguished by its main manufacturing material, transparent acrylic, allowing cigars to be viewed without opening the humidor. Each Zino humidor includes a high-performance humidification system.

Storage capacity

Designed to accommodate 40 to 60 cigars, Zino humidors meet the needs of cigar aficionados and collectors alike, preserving cigar freshness and aromas.

Zino Humidification System

Each humidor is equipped with a Zino humidification system. This device ensures constant regulation of humidity, crucial for preserving the aromas and quality of tobacco leaves.

Tradition and Innovation

Zino humidors reflect a marriage between tradition, with the use of proven manufacturing techniques, and innovation, with the integration of modern materials and sophisticated humidification systems.

Impact on Cigar Culture

By offering a reliable preservation tool, Zino humidors play a role in cigar culture by preserving quality and extending the life of cigars, thus enriching the tasting experience.


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