Humidors Davidoff - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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Davidoff humidors and humidor units are acclaimed for their quality and optimal tobacco preservation. Made from precious woods such as Spanish cedar, these elegant humidors maintain an ideal humid environment for cigars. They vary in size and design, enabling every collector to find a suitable model. Advanced humidification systems feature precise hygrometers for constant control of the internal climate. Davidoff blends tradition and innovation, respecting artisanal methods while integrating contemporary technologies to preserve cigar integrity. Davidoff's cultural impact is significant, influencing the preservation and appreciation of cigars worldwide through a commitment to excellence.

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Davidoff Humidors and Cigar Cellars

Davidoff humidors and humidor boxes are renowned for their quality and ability to preserve tobacco in optimum conditions. Made from top-quality materials, these humidors are designed to maintain the ideal level of humidity, essential for preserving cigars.

Construction and Design

Davidoff humidors are distinguished by their elegance and functionality. They are generally made from precious woods such as Spanish cedar, renowned for its humidity-regulating properties and neutral odor. Finishes are meticulously crafted, adding a touch of sophistication to these indispensable accessories for cigar aficionados.

Capacities and models

Available in a variety of sizes and models, Davidoff humidors are designed to meet the needs of collectors and occasional smokers alike. Whether for a small personal collection or a larger assortment, each humidor offers reliable protection against variations in temperature and humidity.

Humidification systems

The technical aspect is not neglected, with sophisticated humidification systems guaranteeing a constant environment, essential for tobacco maturation. These systems are often accompanied by precise hygrometers to monitor the humidity level inside the humidor.

Tradition and Innovation

While respecting cigar tradition, Davidoff combines innovation and craftsmanship. This renowned brand has evolved with the times, introducing modern technologies to improve cigar preservation, while preserving elegance and classic craftsmanship.

Cultural Impact and Evolution

The history of Davidoff humidors is linked to the evolution of cigar culture. By providing high-quality preservation products, Davidoff has played an important role in the way aficionados enjoy and preserve their precious cigars. Attention to detail reflects a dedication to excellence that has had a significant impact on the industry.


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