Edición Regional - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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Edición Regional

Edición Regional is a special approach to the world of Havana, offering each region exclusive cigars in new formats. Unlike "Edicion Limitada", these editions do not require a two-year maturation period, allowing brands to quickly launch new variants. Each country benefits from a two-year exclusivity period for these cigars, with a minimum production of 10,000 pieces. Cigar aficionados the world over can therefore look forward to the diversity of flavors and experiences offered by leading brands that adapt to local tastes and traditions.

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Edición Regional


Introduction to Edición Regional

Edición Regional stands out for its unique approach, offering each geographical area its own exclusive version of Havana. Without the two-year maturation period typical of limited editions, they are eye-catching because of their unique format for the producing brand.

Edición Regional features

These series offer a new face to established brands, with formats and blends specific to the selected region. Production is maintained exclusively in the chosen country for two years, with a minimum production quota of 10,000 units.

Tobacco and manufacturing

The type of tobacco used for each Edición Regional varies according to local standards and tastes. However, the quality of the leaves is maintained at the highest level to ensure enthusiast satisfaction. In terms of construction, the emphasis is on local craftsmanship, reflecting the know-how and traditional methods of the region.

Flavor profile and tasting

The tasting notes for each Edición Regional reflect their terroir, often with subtleties that appeal to novices and experts alike. Profiles can range from sweet and floral to robust and spicy, depending on regional preferences and blend composition.

Cultural impact and heritage

The Edición Regional tradition adds an important page to the history of cigars. Not only does it highlight innovation and the particularities of different terroirs, it also reinforces the cultural identity associated with cigar tasting around the world.


Edición Regional is a celebration of local identity in the world of cigars. They enable brands to reinvent themselves and offer smokers a singular experience, respectful of tradition while incorporating regional nuances.


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