Edición Limitada - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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Edición Limitada

Edición Limitada are serial cigars produced annually since 2000, each adorned with a ring marked with the year of edition, a practice established in 2001. These special cigars use tobaccos aged for a minimum of two years, enhancing the complexity of their flavors. The distinctive Maduro wrapper adds notes of chocolate, earth and leather. These editions highlight the specific terroir of renowned regions such as Pinar del Rio in Cuba, essential to their unique flavors. A demanding production process ensures the excellence that cigar aficionados expect. Edición Limitada cigars merge tradition and innovation, offering aromas of coffee, dried fruit and spices, enriching cigar heritage and captivating enthusiasts around the world.

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Edición Limitada


Edición Limitada - an overview

Since the turn of the millennium, cigars from the Edición Limitada series have seduced cigar aficionados with their distinctive approach to production. Once a year, a special selection is offered with a promise of quality and refinement.

Distinctive features

Each Edición Limitada cigar bears an elegant ring indicating the year of release, a practice in force since 2001. The golden rule for these cigars is the use of tobaccos aged for at least two years, giving them a superior aromatic complexity.

The Maduro cape

The visual signature of Edición Limitada is the use of a Maduro cape. This cape is renowned for its dark, rich hue, accompanied by deep aromas of chocolate, earth and leather.

Geographical origin and terroir

Each limited edition highlights the specific terroir from which the tobacco comes, often grown in renowned regions such as Cuba's Pinar del Rio province. The terroir aspect is essential in characterizing the unique flavors of each cigar.

Special manufacturing features

The Edición Limitada manufacturing process is governed by high standards, including rigorous leaf selection and meticulous control at every stage of production. This ensures that each cigar reflects the excellence expected by connoisseurs.

Tasting notes

Edición Limitada cigars feature a range of flavors that vary according to the edition. Notes of espresso coffee, dried fruit and mild spices are common. These flavors are accompanied by a rich and often powerful profile.

History and cultural impact

The introduction of the Edición Limitada in 2000 marked a turning point in cigar culture, placing the emphasis on exclusivity and innovation. These collector's items have not only enriched the heritage of cigar-making tradition, but have also created a worldwide craze for these special editions.


Edición Limitada continues to fascinate cigar aficionados with its successful marriage of tradition and innovation. Without favoring any particular house or provenance, these limited edition cigars captivate those seeking to experience the richness of a handcrafted product created with care and mastery.


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