Gift sets
Our selection of gift sets highlights the excellence and diversity of cigars from four main producing regions: Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua and Honduras. These collections are meticulously assembled to satisfy cigar aficionados and connoisseurs alike.
Offering a wide range of flavor profiles and tasting experiences, each box represents an invitation to explore the unique traditions and flavors of its terroir.
Cuban cigars
The reputation of Cuban cigars is based on a centuries-old heritage of tobacco cultivation and craftsmanship. The determinant microclimate and rich soils give these cigars distinctive characteristics, with notes of earth, cocoa and a certain aromatic complexity. Cuban tobacco is renowned for its balanced blend and impeccable construction.
Dominican cigars
Dominican cigar boxes tell a story rich in aromatic detail, from sweet, creamy notes to more pronounced spices. These cigars are often made with particular attention to sweetness and subtlety, using leaves grown in the region's fertile valleys. They are appreciated for their regularity and balanced aromas.
Nicaraguan cigars
The vigor of Nicaraguan tobacco attracts those seeking depth and density in their cigars. With their characteristic strength and spicy notes, these cigars reflect the richness of the volcanic soils and the passion of the maestros torcedores. Full-bodied flavors of leather, wood and pepper are often present in these blends.
Honduran cigars
Known for their richness and character, Honduran cigars offer a diverse palette of tastes. Combining robustness and nuance, they reveal flavors of nuts, chocolate and damp earth. These cigars are made with leaves harvested from plantations where agricultural traditions have been carried on for generations.
Tradition and innovation
In the creation of our gift boxes, our brands and craftsmen combine tradition with contemporary methods to guarantee both respect for the past and an appreciation of today's tastes. From the selection of the leaves to the design of the boxes, every step is designed to offer a memorable tasting experience.
Cigars are carefully selected to represent the excellence of each terroir, with no predominance of one region over another, guaranteeing an impartiality that honors the cigar world as a whole.