Cigars 50 - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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Cigar tasting offers a wealth of diverse flavors, mirroring regional specificities. Cuban cigars stand out for their notes of coffee and cocoa, the result of rich soil and an ideal climate. Dominican Republic cigars seduce with their sweetness and hints of cedar and mild spices. Nicaraguan cigars, marked by strength and tones of pepper and earth, emanate from the EstelĂ­ region. Honduran cigars, meanwhile, reveal a wealth of woody and leathery aromas. Cigars from Mexico attract with their dark wrapper and flavours of chocolate and spices. Finally, Costa Rican cigars are notable for their meticulous manufacturing techniques and a sweet or fruity palette. Each terroir adds to the evolution of a culture rich in tradition and innovation.

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Tasting cigars is an experience that varies greatly from one geographical origin to another. Each tobacco-producing region offers distinct characteristics based on its climate, soil, growing and fermenting methods.

Cuban cigars

World-renowned, Cuban cigars are appreciated for their complex blend of flavors and excellent construction. Grown mainly in Vuelta Abajo, Cuban tobaccos offer notes of coffee, cocoa and earth, the result of rich soil and a favorable climate.

Dominican cigars

The Dominican Republic is renowned for the mildness of its cigars. The soils and climate of this Caribbean island enable the cultivation of tobacco with subtle aromas and notes of cedar and mild spices, making for well-balanced, accessible cigars.

Nicaraguan cigars

Nicaraguan cigars are often recognized for their strength and characterful profile. Nicaraguan tobacco, particularly from the EstelĂ­ region, displays the intensity of pepper and earth, offering a robust and complex cigar.

Honduran cigars

Honduran cigars are prized for their aromatic richness. Honduran tobacco, with its woody, leathery notes, produces a rich smoke that reflects the fertility of the soil and the humidity of the regions where it is grown.

Mexican cigars

Mexican cigars, particularly those containing San Andrés tobacco, are known for their dark wrapper and pronounced flavors. Notes of chocolate and spices mark these cigars, conferring a unique identity in the world of cigars.

Costa Rican cigars

Less widespread but gaining in reputation, Costa Rican cigars are distinguished by meticulous manufacturing techniques. They often reveal a palette of refined flavors, accompanied by sweet or fruity touches.

By browsing these different cigar categories, aficionados can appreciate the breadth and diversity of flavor profiles offered by different tobacco lands. Cigar culture continues to evolve, incorporating both traditional methods and innovations to meet the varied expectations of cigar aficionados.


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