West Tampa Red - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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West Tampa Red

West Tampa Red, from the West Tampa Tobacco Company, is a cigar with more pronounced flavors than its White and Black counterparts. This artisanal cigar, handmade in Nicaragua in the workshops of the renowned Garmendia Cigar Co, guarantees exceptional quality. Its wrapper, a Mexican wrapper, combines with a Nicaraguan filler and binder to form an intense yet balanced flavor profile, destined to satisfy the most discerning palates. Combining tradition and craftsmanship, these cigars offer a remarkable tasting experience, harmoniously combining sweet spices and earthy aromas for those in search of rich, memorable flavors.

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West Tampa Red


Introduction to West Tampa Red

In the rich and diverse landscape of the cigar industry, the West Tampa Tobacco Company series stands out for its varied offering and consistent quality. The West Tampa Red is an attractive option for cigar aficionados seeking a more pronounced flavor, enjoying a notable position within the brand's collection.

West Tampa Red features

The West Tampa Red adopts a wrapper from Mexico, renowned for its robust character and complex aromas. The choice of leaves for the filler and binder, originating in Nicaragua, gives this cigar a distinct flavor profile. Handcrafted in Nicaragua by the renowned Garmendia Cigar Co. factory, this cigar is a guarantee of the quality and craftsmanship that go into each piece.

Manufacturing and Crafts

The hand-crafted design of each cigar in the Red line is emblematic of Nicaraguan tradition. The craftsmen at the Garmendia Cigar Co factory use tried-and-tested methods to roll and assemble cigars that meet the strictest quality criteria, ensuring consistency and excellence in the finished product.

Flavor Profile and Tasting Experience

The taste profile of West Tampa Red is characterized by a balanced intensity, capable of satisfying discerning palates. Smokers can expect engaging sensory notes, often described as a harmonious combination of sweet spices and earthy aromas, complemented by a pleasantly complex finish.

West Tampa Red's place in Cigar Culture

West Tampa Red cigars follow a long-standing tradition while capturing the essence of innovation in their blends. Changing preferences and manufacturing techniques have led to a significant diversification of cigar profiles, placing creations like West Tampa Red at the heart of today's trends.

Geographical influence and tradition

Terroir plays an indisputable role in the quality of tobacco, and the characteristics of the tobacco chosen for West Tampa Red are largely influenced by the climatic conditions and soil of Mexico and Nicaragua. These geographical factors are combined with a heritage of cigar-making tradition, resulting in a product that is both typical and respectful of its origins.


In short, West Tampa Red is positioned as a cigar of gratifying robustness and taste deeply rooted in a tradition of quality. It reflects the skill of its craftsmen and the richness of the regions from which its tobacco comes, while fulfilling the expectations of connoisseurs in search of distinctive, memorable flavors.


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