Skinhead - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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Worldwide premium cigar merchant since 1978
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The fruit of meticulous Nicaraguan craftsmanship, Skinhead cigars are the work of Sandro Stroili, renowned importer and creator of the Furia brand. These cigars embody a fusion of tradition and innovation, where the ancestral skill of hand-rolling blends with modern cultivation and fermentation techniques. Drawing their essence from the volcanic soils of Nicaragua, Skinhead cigars offer a nuanced flavor profile, with notes of leather, coffee and pepper, making every tasting experience robust and refined. They are also distinguished by the use of rare tobacco varieties, bringing a unique complexity to the experience. Symbolizing the diversity and originality of today's cigar culture, Skinhead cigars are a celebration of Nicaraguan tobacco heritage and a contemporary vision of cigar art.

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Introduction to Skinhead Cigars

Skinhead cigars are the result of Nicaraguan craftsmanship and the creative impetus of Sandro Stroili. Best known for his Furia brand (originally under the name Pitbull), he has expanded his repertoire with this singular offering.

Origin and manufacture

These cigars draw their character from the rich volcanic soils of Nicaragua, where they are shaped by hand. Each stick is the fruit of a meticulous selection of tobacco leaves, combining local varieties with others from diverse terroirs to create a distinct aromatic profile.

Taste profile

The taste experience offered by Skinhead cigars is both nuanced and robust. The aromas emanating from these cylinders linked to Nicaraguan traditions reveal notes of leather, coffee and sometimes pepper, reflecting the typicality of the blends selected.

Blend features

The brand distinguishes itself by using rare tobacco varieties in its blends, seeking to offer cigar enthusiasts new experiences. These carefully crafted combinations bring a refined complexity to the palate, right from the very first printings.

Tradition and Innovation

While respecting traditional hand-rolling methods, Skinhead cigars are innovative. The use of modern cultivation and fermentation techniques contributes to their unique aromatic profile and regular combustion.

Cultural Impact

Skinhead cigars, like the Furia brand, are part of a cigar culture that values diversity and originality. They reflect part of the modern history of cigars, combining the heritage of Nicaraguan terroir with a contemporary vision of tasting.


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