Introducing the Skel Ton xReLaXx Line
Discover the Skel Ton xReLaXx range, a set of cigars based on a selection of tobaccos from territories renowned for their quality. Each piece in this line features a wrapper made from San Andres leaf, grown in Mexico and distinguished by its dark hue and slightly rough texture.
Composition and origin
Skel Ton xReLaXx cigars are remarkable for their blend of carefully selected tobaccos. The filler, or heart of the cigar, is made up of leaves from the Dominican Republic, Honduras and Nicaragua. Each crop is selected for the qualities it can bring to the final blend, seeking an ideal balance between the different origins.
Sub-Capes and Manufacturing
The construction of these cigars includes distinctive wrappers. With a predilection for excellence and complexity, Skel Ton xReLaXx selects one sub-wrapper from Indonesia, accompanied by a second from Nicaragua. This precise blend aims to achieve a uniform burn and accentuate the aromatic profile of each cigar.
Tasting Notes
When tasting Skel Ton xReLaXx, cigar aficionados can expect to discover woody, earthy notes that blend harmoniously with cocoa flavors. These characteristics make them ideal cigars for those who appreciate the rich taste sensations and strong aromas.
Cultural Impact and Evolution
Skel Ton xReLaXx cigars contribute to the diversification of cigar culture by fusing tradition and innovation. The use of different tobaccos from renowned terroirs illustrates the evolution and adaptability of cigar making through the ages. These pieces reflect not only the craftsmen's know-how, but also the constant evolution of this segment.
In short, Skel Ton xReLaXx is a line that captivates connoisseurs, offering an authentic sensory experience. It's a tribute to tobacco traditions and a celebration of the contemporary trends shaping the modern cigar world.