The world of cigars abounds in nuance and richness, fields in which historic and innovative skills are expressed. One of the most distinguished contributions to this sector is the Shade cigar category, which takes its name from the Shade Grown wrapper used for these cigars.
Shade Cigars
Shade cigars are known for their light, silky-textured wrapper, which is the bearer of their name. This pale color and the delicate appearance of the wrapper come from the unique process in which tobacco leaves are grown under veils that filter sunlight. Perla Del Mar Shade cigars are part of this ensemble, featuring an Ecuadorian Shade wrapper alongside exceptional tobacco blends.
Production areas
Nicaragua's cocktail of fertile soils, including Pueblo Nuevo, La Reina, Condega and Jalapa, gives Perla Del Mar Shade cigars a complete flavor profile. These regions, each with specific climatic conditions and soils, contribute to the diversity and balance of the tobaccos harvested.
Mixing and Construction
The brilliance of Shade cigars is no accident; it's a selection of hand-selected, aged tobacco leaves that juxtapose harmoniously. This meticulous selection involves long-tripe leaves, rolled in a way that allows even burning and optimal extraction of aromas.
Taste profile
Tasting a Shade cigar reveals sweetness, accompanied by various subtle notes depending on the terroir. For example, Perla Del Mar Shade cigars often offer earthy nuances, with hints of coffee, cream and sometimes a hint of sweet spices, inviting a plural and sophisticated taste experience.
Traditions and Innovations
The history of Shade cigars interweaves centuries of tradition with advances designed to perfect flavor and quality. This category of cigars pays homage to classic methods, while taking the liberty of incorporating innovations to further refine construction and flavor profiles.
Cultural Impact
Shade cigars, with their distinctive character and multiple origins, play a significant role in cigar culture worldwide. They represent the excellence and diversity of cigar expertise, while helping to shape the taste identity of aficionados around the globe.
Providing a panorama of the world of Shade cigars, from their blended origins to their global influence, it's clear that this category embodies the evolution and love of detail in cigar craftsmanship. Perla Del Mar Shade cigars bear witness to this deep connection between tradition and the palpable pleasure of every tasting experience.