Perdomo Reserve 10th Anniversary Connecticut
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Perdomo Reserve 10th Anniversary Connecticut

Perdomo Reserve 10th Anniversary Connecticut, awarded best Nicaraguan brand by Cigar Journal in 2018, embodies cigar excellence. Its tobacco leaves, meticulously selected and matured for over six years-including an additional period in bourbon casks, using a method once kept secret by the Perdomo-offer a remarkable taste experience. From the Ecuadorian Connecticut cape come sweet flavors of cream and honey, while Nicaraguan undercap and tripe leaves enrich the profile with spicy, woody touches. The whole creates a balanced, complex and intriguingly rich blend, concluding with a smooth, silky finish. This cigar illustrates the harmonious fusion of tradition and innovation, becoming a cultural milestone in the world of aged tobaccos.

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Perdomo Reserve 10th Anniversary Connecticut



The Perdomo Reserve 10th Anniversary Connecticut represents a distinct category in the cigar world, where tradition and innovation embrace. Awarded the 2018 Cigar Journal Award, this cigar exemplifies the excellence achieved by Nicaragua in the production of world-renowned tobaccos. This text aims to provide a detailed and neutral overview of this particular series.

Origin and manufacture

From the fertile Nicaraguan region, highly prized for its rich volcanic soil, Perdomo Reserve 10th Anniversary Connecticut is the fruit of a meticulous selection of tobaccos. Aged for at least six years, the tobaccos in this particular reserve also benefit from additional aging in bourbon casks, an innovative approach developed by Nicholas Perdomo.

Visual appearance and structure

The cigar is distinguished by its golden rod caramel-colored wrapper made from Ecuadorian Connecticut. This outer wrapper combines attractive aesthetics and functionality, protecting the tripe leaves and binder made from Nicaraguan tobaccos of Cuban origin. The latter are selected for their ability to provide a uniform burn and a structural pillar for the cigar.

Taste profile

The first taste impression reveals suave notes of cream and honey courtesy of Connecticut cape. Vigor comes from undercap and tripe leaves, introducing a distinguished spiciness complemented by hints of oak wood. The blend of the three components creates a balance of elegant flavors and complex fragrances, culminating in a silky-smooth finish.

Cultural Impact and Evolution

The tradition of bourbon barrel aging for wrapper tobaccos took off significantly with the Perdomo Reserve 10th Anniversary Connecticut, influencing the cigar industry and culture on a global scale. This technique, previously kept secret within the Perdomo family, has set a new standard in tobacco aging and enriched the tasting profile of high-end cigars.


In short, Perdomo Reserve 10th Anniversary Connecticut encapsulates the heritage of Nicaraguan cigars, marking a meeting point between the patience required for classic aging and the boldness of modern aging methods. This attention to detail results in a product rich in history, flavor and experience, symbolizing the continuous innovation characteristic of the cigar industry.


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