Perdomo Fresco - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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Perdomo Fresco

Perdomo Fresco cigars, from Nicaragua's fertile EstelĂ­ valley, mark the meeting of cigar-making tradition and long-filler tobaccos grown on Perdomo brand lands. Available in a variety of shades, such as the mild Connecticut-shade Natural, the medium-bodied Nicaragua Sun Grown and the more full-bodied Nicaraguan Maduro, they are distinguished by a richness and complexity of taste suited to every connoisseur. They are hand-crafted to guarantee consistent quality and uniform burning, reflecting the traditional know-how and innovation of Perdomo Fresco cigars. The brand embodies not only the diversity of Nicaragua's terroir, but also its impact on the aroma and palette of its cigars, which are accessible to all thanks to their excellent value for money.

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Perdomo Fresco


Introduction to Perdomo Fresco cigars

Perdomo Fresco cigars are an offering from Perdomo, renowned for its production of quality cigars. From the fertile lands of Nicaragua's EstelĂ­ Valley, these cigars are renowned for their composition of long-filler tobaccos.

Origin and Composition

The Perdomo Fresco cigar range originates in Nicaragua, where the climate and soil are ideal for growing high-quality tobacco. The tobaccos used in these products come exclusively from the brand's own farms. This series is offered in three shade categories: Connecticut-shade Natural, Nicaragua Sun Grown and Nicaraguan Maduro, offering varying degrees of potency.

Connecticut-shade Natural

Perdomo Fresco's Connecticut-shade Natural variant has a mild to medium-bodied profile. The light-colored wrapper leaf reveals shade-grown tobaccos offering subtle, accessible tasting notes. This category seduces with its balanced flavors, ideal for an everyday smoking experience.

Nicaragua Sun Grown

The Sun Grown category, on the other hand, has a medium-bodied flavor profile. The tobaccos are grown in full sun, enriching the aromatic profile. Tasting notes are slightly more pronounced, accompanied by a rich flavor influenced by the region's direct sunshine.

Nicaraguan Maduro

The Nicaraguan Maduro line reveals a medium to full-bodied character. Thanks to further fermentation of the husk leaf, this option gives off deeper notes and aromas of coffee and chocolate, typical of Maduros appreciated for their richness and complexity of flavor.

Manufacturing Processes

Perdomo Fresco cigars are carefully assembled by hand, following cigar-making traditions. Each roll is checked to ensure uniform combustion and consistent quality with every production run. This attention to detail is reflected in the consistency of the smoking experience.

Impact on Cigar Culture

The Perdomo Fresco brand is part of a long tradition that has shaped cigar culture worldwide. Each flavor variant represents a heritage of Nicaraguan agricultural diversity, showing how terroir can subtly impact a cigar's aromatic palette.


Reflecting both tradition and innovation, Perdomo Fresco cigars are suited to a variety of cigar-lover preferences. With a range from mild to full-bodied, this brand offers a diversified exploration of the richness of Nicaraguan tobaccos through quality, affordable cigars.


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