Cigares Padron - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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Considered one of the smallest cigar factories in the world, Padron stands out for its annual production of six million cigars, since it was founded in 1964 by José Orlando Padron. The brand is famous for its Padron Classic range, which offers a variety of Nicaraguan puros of medium to strong intensity. Sun Grown habano tobaccos are aged for at least two and a half years before being released on the market, and the range is divided into two versions: "Natural", with balanced aromas typical of Padron, and "Maduro", with stronger, roasted and spicy flavors. Padron's identity is strongly linked to its method of aging tobacco, in particular the high proportion of ligero, which lends richness and finesse to its cigars. Despite its modest production, Padron is a proud representative of Nicaraguan terroir in the cigar world.

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Introduction to Padron cigars

The Padron brand is renowned for its sustainable production of Nicaraguan cigars. Founded in 1964 by José Orlando Padron, the company has developed according to rigorous quality principles. With an annual production of six million units, Padron distinguishes itself with cigars of medium to strong flavor intensity.

Manufacturing and Aging

Padron cigars are synonymous with traditional craftsmanship. Using exclusively Nicaraguan Sun Grown habano tobacco, the factory ensures a minimum ageing period of two and a half years before marketing. This patience in the maturing process is a key element of the tobacco's distinctive character.

Classic range

The Padron Classic range comprises two main variants: "Natural" and "Maduro". The Natural version is characterized by balanced aromas that reflect the quintessence of Padron tobacco. Its counterpart, the Maduro version, is enhanced by more intensely roasted and spicy flavors. These variations offer cigar aficionados a diversified experience to suit their taste preferences.

Cigar composition

A Padron cigar is made up of three essential parts: the wrapper, the binder and the filler. All three come from Nicaragua, ensuring that each cigar is a puro from the Nicaraguan terroir. This unification gives the cigars a strong geographical identity.

Importance of Ligero

Padron incorporates a significant proportion of ligero, tobacco leaves renowned for their robustness. The advanced age of these leaves contributes to Padron's signature style, resulting in cigars that are both rich and remarkably fine.

Terroir and Prestige

Despite a modest production compared to other global brands, Padron is a worthy representative of Nicaragua's terroir. Its contribution to cigar culture demonstrates how a meticulous approach dedicated to excellence can result in cigars with a complex and satisfying aromatic profile.


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