Introduction to Oro De Esteli cigars
Oro De Esteli cigars are an expression of Nicaraguan excellence, combining tradition and know-how. They are renowned for their blend of local tobaccos, giving them a distinctive profile.
Origin and terroir
Oro De Esteli is a brand with its roots in the fertile soil of Nicaragua. The EstelĂ region is particularly renowned for producing top-quality tobacco, thanks to its ideal climate and rich soil.
Blending and composition
The cigars in this range are made mainly from Nicaraguan tobacco, renowned for its strength and richness. The leaves are meticulously selected to create a balance between strength and nuance.
Handcrafted products
The making of Oro De Esteli cigars involves a rigorous artisanal process, where each cigar is hand-rolled. This traditional method ensures consistent construction and even burning.
Flavor profile
On the tasting side, Oro De Esteli cigars offer a spicy experience with a marked presence. Notes of wood, leather and spice make up the profile, framed by a persistent finish.
Positioning and accessibility
The brand's commitment to quality and affordability is reflected in the value for money of these cigars, making them attractive to both casual enthusiasts and discerning connoisseurs.
History and culture
Oro De Esteli cigars are part of a long tradition of tobacco growing in Nicaragua, a sector that has undergone a remarkable evolution and strongly influenced cigar culture on an international scale.