Oliva Serie O - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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Oliva O-series

Oliva Serie O cigars embody the excellence of Nicaraguan terroirs with their entirely local blend of Habano tobaccos from three flagship regions - Jalapa, Condega and EstelĂ­. These ferociously varied soils produce a Nicaraguan puro with notes of spice, earth and leather, cultivating a balance between rich aromas and subtle intensity. By following the Cuban method of diversifying the cultivation of the same grape variety on different terrains, Oliva achieves a unique and complex smoking experience. The O series, with its Nicaraguan 100% Habano Sun-grown wrapper, binder and filler, bears witness to inherited traditions while asserting its modernity, offering a full-bodied yet balanced cigar that is both traditional and contemporary.

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Oliva O-series


Oliva cigars Serie O

Oliva O-Series cigars are renowned for their quality and represent the richness of Nicaraguan terroirs. Characterized by the use of tobaccos grown exclusively in Nicaragua, the O Series offers cigars made from Habano tobacco varieties. These tobaccos come from three distinct regions - Jalapa, Condega and EstelĂ­ - each conferring particular nuances to the cigars' aromatic profile.

These cigars reveal Oliva's expertise in growing and blending premium tobaccos. The selection process is based on the idea of highlighting the specific characteristics of Nicaraguan tobacco, through the blending of different regional harvests.

Origin and manufacture

The wrapper, binder and filler of these cigars are made from Sun-grown Habano tobacco, carefully harvested and processed to preserve their inherent quality. This choice to grow the same variety in different regions is a tribute to Cuban traditions, aimed at creating a complex, nuanced smoke profile.

The manufacturing process follows meticulous standards to ensure perfect rolling and uniform burning. The result is a cigar of consistent Nicaraguan quality.

Taste profile

The Habano tobacco blend in the O d'Oliva series offers a medium to full-bodied profile. With spicy notes and hints of earth and leather, these cigars develop a complexity of flavors on the palate that will appeal to connoisseurs looking for depth and authenticity.

Nicaraguan puro reveals a balance between flavor and body, making it an ideal choice for those seeking a rich tasting experience without being overwhelming.

Growing regions

The Jalapa Valley is known for its red, nutrient-rich soil, which produces a tobacco with sweet, mild notes. Condega, with its unique microclimate, produces a lighter tobacco with a hint of spiciness. EstelĂ­, with its warmer climate and varied soil, produces a robust, spicy tobacco. The blended use of these different origins enables Series O to offer a tasty experience, articulated around the diversity flooding Nicaraguan lands.

This geography of Oliva tobacco not only forms the backbone of O-series cigars, but also underlines the link between terroir and flavor nuances.

Tradition and Impact on Cigar Culture

The history of Oliva Cigars is punctuated by perseverance and passion for the art of cigar making. Their contribution, notably through the O series, marks the contemporary evolution of cigar-making tradition. These cigars have maintained tradition while bringing a modernity that resonates with today's smokers.

The O series and its worldwide recognition testify to Oliva's impact on cigar culture. With this offering, the brand has positioned itself as a benchmark in the exploration of the different profiles that Nicaraguan tobacco can offer, respecting its heritage while cultivating innovation.


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