Oliva G-series
In the teeming world of cigars, Oliva Série G occupies a special place for premium cigar aficionados. This line stands out for its balanced blend of flavors and methodical construction.
Brand profile
The Oliva cigar brand enjoys a solid reputation, with its roots in Cuban tradition. Founded by Melanio Oliva in 1886, it passed through several generations before establishing itself in Central America. Today, the majority of Oliva Série G production takes place in Nicaragua, a region renowned for the quality of its tobacco leaves.
Origin and construction
Oliva Série G owes its character to Nicaraguan tobaccos, particularly from the Jalapa region, known for its fertile soils ideal for growing. In terms of construction, the cigars are mostly hand-rolled, with artisanal know-how guaranteeing their consistent quality. Their wrapper generally oscillates between a brown Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper and a lighter African Cameroon wrapper, which contributes to the series' uniqueness.
Manufacturing features
The G series relies on meticulous manufacturing to achieve a harmonious tasting experience. One of the particular methods used in this series is the slow aging of tobaccos, which intensifies aromas while ensuring a balanced taste. The cigars are then carefully packaged to preserve their freshness and quality right through to tasting.
Taste profile
Oliva G Series cigars are renowned for their rich, complex flavor profile. Notes of cedar, leather, hazelnut and sometimes a light background of sweet spices are generally present, offering a highly pleasing aromatic palette. The intensity varies from one model to another without ever becoming overpowering, making them an excellent choice for tasting in all circumstances.
Culture and Impact
As an ambassador of Nicaraguan cigar-making tradition, Oliva Série G has left its mark on cigar culture. Its history reflects that of a constantly evolving industry, combining heritage and innovation. The cigars in this series represent the bridge between ancestral practices and new production methods, impacting the preferences and expectations of aficionados worldwide.