Oliva Connecticut Reserve - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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Oliva Connecticut Reserve

Oliva Connecticut Reserve combines the qualities of Nicaraguan tobaccos with the smoothness of Ecuadorian Connecticut wrappers, creating a medium-bodied cigar with rich, yet harmonious flavors. Appreciated for its careful construction and smooth smoke, it offers notes of sweetness, roasted almonds and a creamy texture. The brand was acclaimed by Cigar Snob magazine with a score of 91, a recognized mark of excellence in the cigar world. This range strikes a perfect balance for novices and connoisseurs alike, seeking a tasty cigar without excessive power.

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Oliva Connecticut Reserve


Introduction to Oliva Connecticut Reserve

The Oliva Connecticut Reserve is a range of cigars that mark the Oliva brand's foray into the milder spectrum of cigar strength profiles. Originating from Nicaragua, these cigars are known for their balanced blend of Nicaraguan tobaccos, enveloped in a golden Ecuadorian Connecticut Shade wrapper.

Blend and Construction

The construction of the Oliva Connecticut Reserve showcases a combination of expertly selected Nicaraguan long-fillers and binders. These components are complemented by the Connecticut Shade wrapper, which is reputable for its smooth and mild characteristics. The craftsmanship is focused on creating a consistent burn and a sturdy ash, delivering a comfortable smoking experience.

Flavor Profile

The flavor profile of the Oliva Connecticut Reserve is recognized for its mild to medium body, emphasizing a blend that is both rich and smooth. Smokers can anticipate nuances of creaminess, with hints of toasted almonds, which make for a leisurely and enjoyable experience suitable for both novice and seasoned aficionados alike.

Quality Recognition

In terms of industry recognition, the Oliva Connecticut Reserve has been acknowledged with a rating of 91 by Cigar Snob Magazine in its March/April 2013 issue. This speaks to the widespread approval of its quality within the cigar community.

Geographic Origin and Tobacco

The tobaccos used in the Oliva Connecticut Reserve are primarily sourced from Nicaragua, a country with a rich tradition in cigar manufacturing. The Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper adds an international touch, providing the mild yet flavorful exterior that cigar enthusiasts have come to appreciate.

Manufacturing Peculiarities

What sets the Oliva Connecticut Reserve apart is the attention to detail in its manufacturing process. The selection of tobaccos undergoes a rigorous process to ensure the right mix of flavor continuity and complexity, a hallmark of the Oliva Cigar Company's dedication to craftsmanship.

Tasting Notes

Upon lighting an Oliva Connecticut Reserve, one experiences a smooth introduction followed by a crescendo of flavors. The aroma is pleasantly aromatic without being overpowering, and the taste lingers sufficiently to enjoy the subtleties inherent in this blend.

History and Evolution

The Oliva brand has evolved from humble beginnings to become one of the noted names in the cigar industry, with the Connecticut Reserve line marking a strategic diversification into milder offerings. This evolution has broadened the brand's appeal and enriched the culture of cigar smoking globally.

Cigar Culture and Impact

As the tastes and preferences of cigar aficionados evolve, brands like Oliva have influenced the culture by introducing variations that cater to a wide range of palates. The Connecticut Reserve's success is a testament to the dynamic nature of the cigar industry and its ability to adapt to consumer demand.


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