My Father Cigars - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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My Father Cigars

Founded in 2003 in Little Havana by Jose Pepin Garcia, My Father Cigars embodies the family's passion and heritage of Cuban tobacco, which Garcia has been exploring since the age of 11. Marking its beginnings with a small factory, the brand expanded with the opening of the Garcia family's industrial park in Nicaragua in 2009, consolidating their footprint in the cigar industry. Remarkably, their Flor de Las Antillas was voted 'Best Cigar of the Year' in 2012. They remain true to Cuban tradition with ancestral rolling methods and a complex where they grow, pack and ship their tobacco. Today, My Father Cigars offers twelve distinct brands, all testimony to their exceptional expertise and international success.

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My Father Cigars


History and roots

In 2003, Jose Pepin Garcia and his family established a small factory in Little Havana, marking the birth of My Father Cigars. Jose Pepin Garcia's rich Cuban heritage, which began in the cigar world at the age of 11, forms the foundation of the My Father Cigars tradition.

Expansion and recognition

The opening of the Garcia family's industrial park in Nicaragua in 2009 marked a major milestone, with its facilities for growing and packaging tobacco. The quality produced by the company was recognized in 2012 when Flor de Las Antillas was awarded the title of 'Best Cigar of the Year'.

Characteristics of My Father cigars

The tobacco used for My Father cigars comes mainly from Nicaragua, where traditional methods are combined with innovation. This combination results in a diversity of aromatic profiles ranging from spicy notes to sweeter, fruitier touches.


Cigars are made both in Doral, where there is a boutique and a small team, and in EstelĂ­, Nicaragua, where a larger workforce is involved in creation. These two sites are the cradle of My Father Cigars' multiple brands and blends.

Cuban tradition

The Garcia family continues to pass on the rolling and manufacturing methods learned in Cuba. Particular attention is paid to the tobacco aging process, contributing to the richness and complexity of their cigars' flavors.

A wide range

My Father Cigars presents a selection including robustos, toros and Churchills, each offering a distinct experience. The choice of capote and tripe sheets, as well as the care taken in winding, are testament to the excellence of their craftsmanship.

Tasting notes

Each My Father cigar category offers its own unique tasting notes, often marked by hints of cedar, leather, chocolate, and sometimes enhanced by pepper and spices, offering a taste panel for all cigar lovers.


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