La Aroma Del Caribe Edition Especial - La Couronne S.A.
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La Aroma Del Caribe Edition Especial

Launched in 2010 by Ashton, La Aroma Del Caribe Edition Especial cigars are a celebration of Nicaraguan craftsmanship. These pure products of craftsmanship are made from high-quality tobacco by master torcedores. This limited series, hailed for its excellence by the "Best Brand 2011 / Nicaragua" award, offers a rich palette of flavors, with earthy, spicy notes and subtle sweetness. These cigars have influenced smoking culture, reinforcing Nicaragua's reputation for premium tobacco. This makes them a must-have for seasoned smokers in search of a complex tasting experience.

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La Aroma Del Caribe Edition Especial


Introduction to La Aroma Del Caribe Edition Especial cigars

Introduced to the market in 2010, La Aroma Del Caribe Edition Especial cigars are a creation of the renowned Ashton house, renowned for its expertise in cigar making. Made in Nicaragua, these cigars are the fruit of a combination of traditional know-how and rigorous tobacco selection.

Origin and manufacture

La Aroma Del Caribe Edition Especial cigars are produced entirely in Nicaragua, a region famous for the richness of its soil and the quality of its tobacco. The leaves used for these cigars come from the best plantations, ensuring a solid base for their distinctive taste.

They are made by master torcedores, highly skilled craftsmen who do the assembly by hand, preserving the ancestral techniques of cigar rolling. This limited production allows us to maintain a high level of quality and consistency at every stage of the process.

Distinctive features

Aroma Del Caribe Edition Especial features a harmonious blend of tobaccos, offering a rich, nuanced flavor profile. Leaf selection and blending are meticulously calculated to produce a memorable tasting experience.

The brand was awarded the 2011 Cigar Trophy in the "Best Brand 2011 / Nicaragua" category, testifying to its commitment to product quality and excellence. Immediately after their launch, these cigars won over connoisseurs looking for a complex experience full of character.

Flavor profile

Experienced cigar aficionados will be delighted by the full-bodied, deep notes of La Aroma Del Caribe Edition Especial. These cigars feature a balanced range of flavors, from earthy nuances to spicy touches, complemented by a subtle touch of sweetness.

Impact on cigar culture

The introduction of La Aroma Del Caribe Edition Especial marks a milestone in the evolution of Nicaraguan cigars. In association with Ashton, these cigars have reinforced Nicaragua's reputation as one of the world's leading producers of quality tobacco.

The international recognition gained by these cigars has influenced afficionados' perceptions and led to a growing appreciation of the complex and varied flavour profiles produced in this region.


La Aroma Del Caribe Edition Especial cigars embody the richness of Nicaragua's cigar-making traditions and make their own contribution to the heritage of the cigar world. This category offers experienced smokers the opportunity to savor a high-quality handcrafted work, full of flavors and crafted with an uncompromising dedication to excellence.


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