History & Heritage
Joya de Nicaragua, founded in 1968, is renowned for its pioneering role in the Nicaraguan cigar industry. Located in Esteli, the factory played a key role in the town's transformation into a major tobacco production center.
Owned exclusively by Nicaraguans, Joya de Nicaragua exports its know-how around the world, guaranteeing international recognition for its top-quality cigars.
Geography and terroir
The Esteli region, rich in fertile volcanic soils, is the basis of the distinctive character of Joya de Nicaragua cigars. The environment helps cultivate a tobacco with intense, complex flavours.
Manufacturing and know-how
The manufacturing processes at Joya de Nicaragua use traditional methods to maintain quality and consistency. Leaf selection, expert rolling and controlled aging are crucial steps for each cigar.
Cigar categories
Joya Black
This line is characterized by its Mexican San Andrés wrapper and a blend of Nicaraguan tobaccos. Fans can expect notes of chocolate and pepper, with moderate strength.
Joya Red
Offering a milder profile, Joya Red combines local tobaccos with a Habano wrapper. Its notes of hazelnut and fruit make it a pleasant choice for palates seeking a more delicate intensity.
Impact and Culture
Joya de Nicaragua cigars have helped shape cigar culture worldwide. Respect for tradition, combined with innovation, has enabled the brand to establish a lasting footprint in the world of cigars.
Commitment to quality
The brand is committed to delivering a consistent experience to its customers. Rigorous controls and dedication to excellence characterize every product leaving the factory.