Illusione Epernay - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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Illusione Epernay

Illusione Epernay cigars are a jewel of Nicaraguan craftsmanship, combining Criollo '98 and Corojo '99 varieties for a complex flavor profile. Their Cafe Rosado wrapper creates a coherent tasting experience, punctuated by notes of nuts, spices and creamy touches. These balanced, medium-bodied cigars are suitable for a wide range of cigar lovers. Combining tradition and innovation, Illusione Epernay cigars reflect the heritage of age-old practices while adapting to contemporary preferences. They symbolize the evolution of the cigar world, capturing both its timeless essence and changing trends.

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Illusione Epernay


Illusione Epernay: A Comprehensive Overview

Known for its quality craftsmanship and rich flavor profile, the Illusione Epernay series stands out in the world of Nicaraguan cigars. It presents a blend of Nicaraguan filler tobaccos, specifically Criollo '98 and Corojo '99, which contribute to its distinctive character.

The appearance of each cigar is marked by a Cafe Rosado wrapper, giving it a color that is reminiscent of a softly lit café ambiance. This carefully chosen wrapper harmonizes with the fillers to offer a cohesive taste experience.

Geographical Origin and Tobacco Varieties

Illusione Epernay cigars hail from Nicaragua, a country renowned for its fertile soil and ideal tobacco-growing climate. The specific strains used, Criollo '98 and Corojo '99, are celebrated for their robustness and flavor complexity, adding depth to the Epernay series.

These tobacco varieties are grown in regions with a long-standing tradition of excellence in tobacco cultivation, contributing to the cigars' rich and nuanced profiles.

Manufacturing Craftsmanship

The construction of an Illusione Epernay is a testament to skilled craftsmanship. Subtle techniques are employed throughout the rolling process, ensuring a burn that is both even and consistent. This care in construction is vital for the proper release of flavors and overall smoking experience.

The brand is committed to maintaining high standards of quality, with each cigar undergoing meticulous inspection before reaching the consumer.

Tasting Profile

Upon lighting an Illusione Epernay, one can expect to detect a mingling of nutty and spicy notes, followed by a creamy backdrop that smoothly coats the palate. This complexity is a signature of the brand, offering a spectrum of sensory experiences from the first light to the final draw.

Regarded for delivering a medium-bodied smoke, these cigars strike a balance between intensity and approachability, making them suitable for a wide range of cigar enthusiasts.

Tradition and Innovation

The Illusione Epernay bridges the gap between time-honored cigar-making traditions and modern palate preferences. While firmly rooted in the craftsmanship of Nicaraguan cigar production, the line also embraces innovation with its unique blend and profile.

This duality underlines the brand's respect for cigar heritage as well as its commitment to staying relevant and original in a competitive market.

Cultural Impact and Evolution

The Illusione Epernay series has contributed to the global cigar culture by offering a product that is both reflective of its roots and inviting to new cigar enthusiasts. Its evolution is marked by a willingness to adapt and respond to the nuanced tastes of cigar aficionados worldwide.

As the preferences and trends within the cigar world evolve, so does the Illusione Epernay, embodying both the enduring aspects of cigar enjoyment and the subtle shifts that come with time.


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