Horacio Pasión: A Distinctive Gustatory Profile
The Horacio Pasión series stands out from its peers for its more sophisticated flavours and aromas. Rigorously designed, these cigars are renowned for their impeccable shape and exemplary manufacturing quality.
Tobacco origin and selection
Cigars in the Horacio Pasión range are made from carefully selected tobaccos. The filler comes from Estelí and Jalapa, prominent regions of Nicaragua, renowned for the quality of their terroirs. The wrapper comes from Ecuador, chosen for its supple texture and slightly oily aspect that promotes complex aromas.
Manufacturing and Construction
Every element of the Horacio Pasión liga is meticulously crafted. The quality of the rolling is checked to ensure a delicate touch and perfect consistency, testifying to skilled craftsmanship and respect for traditional methods.
Tasting Notes and Flavor Profile
Horacio Pasión cigars offer a spectrum of flavors enhanced by the structure and suppleness of the tobacco chosen. Typical tasting notes are distinguished by their richness, leaving a lasting impression of complexity and refinement on the palate.
Diversity and Categories
The Pasión range includes four different vitolas, each offering a unique experience. The options available allow cigar aficionados to explore a variety of aromatic profiles, while maintaining the same high quality standards.
Cigar History and Culture
Ranges such as Horacio Pasión stem from a long tradition in the world of cigars, marking the evolution and innovation of the sector. These collections are part of a rich cultural heritage, impacting cigar design and enjoyment around the world.