Horacio Maduro HM - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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Horacio Maduro HM

Horacio Maduro HM cigars are praised by connoisseurs for their deep flavors and handcrafted design. Grown on fertile soils in an ideal climate, these cigars are handcrafted for quality and consistency. With a fat, dark wrapper guaranteeing leaf maturity and even burning, and a regular draw, these exceptional pieces exhale notes of bitter cocoa, coffee, leather and wood, creating a harmonious taste experience. Horacio Maduro HM cigars reconcile smoking tradition with innovation, helping to shape cigar culture worldwide.

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Horacio Maduro HM


Introduction to Horacio Maduro HM cigars

The Horacio Maduro HM series is a selection renowned among cigar aficionados for its distinct flavor profile and artisanal manufacturing methods. These cigars come from a long tradition of tobacconist mastery, showcasing expertise dedicated to creating remarkable tasting experiences.

Origin and manufacture

From fertile terroirs bathed in ideal climatic conditions, Horacio Maduro HM cigars are the fruit of a combination of carefully selected soils and proven growing methods. Each cigar is hand-rolled with precision, ensuring consistency and quality in every edition.

Characteristics of Horacio Maduro cigars

Horacio Maduro cigars feature a bold, dark wrapper, a testament to the maturity and quality of the tobacco leaves used. The construction of each piece is meticulously crafted, ensuring an even draw and uniform combustion.

Tasting Notes

Tasting a Horacio Maduro HM cigar is punctuated by rich aromas. Distinctive notes of bitter cocoa, coffee beans, leather and wood are present, blending into a harmonious profile that develops throughout the smoke.

Tradition and Innovation

Horacio Maduro HM cigars follow a long-standing tradition while embracing innovative techniques to refine their quality. The series represents a balance between respect for ancestral methods and the adoption of new approaches for the constant satisfaction of connoisseurs.

Cultural Impact

The evolution of Horacio Maduro HM cigars has helped shape cigar culture. Their reputation extends across the continents, illustrating the wealth of cultural exchanges and developments in tasting preferences and techniques worldwide.


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