Horacio Classic Series
The Horacio Classic series is a collection distinguished by the quality of its cigars, made from carefully selected tobaccos. These cigars are made using artisanal methods that enhance natural flavors and promise a consistent tasting experience.
Origin and Assembly
The tobaccos used for the Horacio Classic series come mainly from Costa Rica and Nicaragua, regions renowned for their rich soil and ideal climate for growing tobacco. This precise attention to origin gives the cigars a well-defined taste profile.
Cape features
The wrapper for Horacio Classic cigars is imported from Ecuador. This type of wrapper, known as Colorado, is appreciated for its silky texture and delicate amber hue, which contributes to the cigar's overall aesthetics without compromising its functionality when smoked.
The series is the fruit of traditional craftsmanship, with each cigar precisely hand-rolled. The demanding manufacturing process ensures even burning and a balanced draw, essential for a full appreciation of the tobacco's qualities.
Taste profile
Smoking reveals a range of aromas characterized by notes of undergrowth, reflecting the complexity of the tobaccos selected. These notes are rounded out by hints of sweet spices, giving the smoke a long finish that will particularly appeal to connoisseurs.
Tradition and Innovation
The Horacio Classic Series honors cigar-making tradition while incorporating innovative techniques to enhance the quality and consistency of each piece. This alliance between past and present strengthens the series' position in the international cigar market.
Cultural Impact
By perpetuating traditional practices and adapting cigar-making techniques to contemporary tastes, the Horacio Classic Series plays an important role in today's rich cigar culture. It offers accomplished products that reflect evolving tastes and respect for historical roots.