Hiram & Solomon - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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Worldwide premium cigar merchant since 1978
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Hiram & Solomon

Hiram & Solomon cigars, inspired by the spirit of Masonic brotherhood and created by Fouad Kashouty and George Dakrat, are renowned for their power and character. Selecting Nicaragua for its terroir and tobacco heritage, the brand is synonymous with quality and aromatic richness. The meticulous manufacturing process translates into rigorously selected leaves and optimal aging, resulting in harmonious combustion and depth of flavor. Balancing tradition and innovation, these cigars offer an exceptional tasting experience, while contributing to the enrichment of cigar culture. Each piece represents a commitment to quality, and stands alongside the world's most prestigious brands. These cigars are an invitation to taste excellence, whether alone or in good company, for those passionate about tradition and good taste.

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    Hiram & Solomon

    Genesis and philosophy of Hiram & Solomon

    Born of Masonic inspiration, the Hiram & Solomon cigar brand aims to transcend the values of brotherhood and camaraderie through a range of quality cigars. Founded by Fouad Kashouty and George Dakrat, the brand selects Nicaragua for the excellence of its terroir and the richness of its tobacco heritage.

    Nicaraguan handicrafts

    Disclosing Nicaragua's expertise in creating quality cigars, Hiram & Solomon takes advantage of artisanal methods and rich soils to grow its tobacco. This geographical choice offers a distinct taste profile, rooted in the country's cigar-making tradition.

    Meticulous manufacturing

    Each Hiram & Solomon cigar is the fruit of a meticulous process, combining rigorous leaf selection and optimal aging. Hand-rolling techniques give the cigars a harmonious burn and a capacity to reveal a complexity of aromas.

    Sensory profile

    The aromatic palette of Hiram & Solomon cigars comes in a variety of flavors, from spicy notes to chocolate nuances, allowing cigar aficionados to taste a myriad of sensations.

    Consistency and finish

    The meticulous finish and consistency of each cigar testify to the skill of the torcedores who blend them, guaranteeing a first-rate tasting experience.

    Tradition and innovation

    Hiram & Solomon cigars embody a balance between respect for traditional methods and exploration of new practices, affirming their reputation on the international cigar scene.

    Cultural contribution

    With their historical depth and growing renown, Hiram & Solomon cigars play an active role in the evolution of cigar culture, enriching the art of cigar making with their distinct identity.


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