El Viejo Continente - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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Worldwide premium cigar merchant since 1978
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El Viejo Continente

El Viejo Continente is the expression of the passion and expertise of Daniel Guerrero, a Spanish-Nicaraguan master blender with 30 years' experience. Influenced by his father, who ran a famous tobacco store in Barcelona, Guerrero perpetuates the cigar tradition with sophisticated artisan blends. El Viejo Continente celebrates tradition, using proven techniques to create quality cigars with fermented and aged tobaccos, sourced from fertile soil, and offering a palette of rich flavors such as sweetness, spice, nuts, leather and coffee. In a tribute to GaudĂ­'s legacy, the brand is planning a special range for the artist's 100th birthday in 2026, promising an innovative combination of tradition and artistic celebration in the cigar world. The forthcoming creation of these cigars is already arousing the interest and curiosity of connoisseurs.

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El Viejo Continente


El Viejo Continente cigars

Created under the leadership of Daniel Guerrero, a renowned master blender, the El Viejo Continente brand offers cigars that embody his expertise and passion. Incorporating decades of experience in the premium tobacco sector, El Viejo Continente stands out for creations that reflect traditional craftsmanship combined with continuous innovation. The influence of Guerrero's father, who ran a prestigious tobacco store in Barcelona, marked the foundations of this unique brand.

Origins and Tradition

El Viejo Continente is inspired by the rich history of cigar culture. Cigars are made using time-tested methods that go back generations. From the meticulous selection of tobacco to the careful crafting of the cigars, each stage is managed with the utmost care to guarantee consistent quality across the different product ranges.

Cigar categories

The El Viejo Continente catalog is divided into several categories, each with specific characteristics in terms of geographical origin, tobacco type and flavor profile. Daniel Guerrero's expertise helps create a varied selection to suit different cigar-smoking palates and preferences.

Manufacturing process

The manufacturing techniques employed at El Viejo Continente highlight the art of the torcedor (cigar roller), preserving the artisanal methods of yesteryear. Each cigar is hand-rolled, using carefully fermented and aged tobaccos from fertile soils in Nicaragua and other regions renowned for tobacco cultivation.

Tasting Notes

When tasting these cigars, you can expect a complex array of aromas and flavors. Typical notes of El Viejo Continente blends can include a balance of sweetness, spice, nuts, leather and coffee, offering a rich and satisfying experience. These profile descriptions are only glimpses and may vary according to the type of cigar selected.

A Future Inheritance

The announcement of the creation of an extraordinary range of cigars to celebrate GaudĂ­'s 100th birthday in Barcelona in 2026 marks the ambition of El Viejo Continente. This project plans to combine GaudĂ­'s artistic heritage with Guerrero's mastery, promising a future line of cigars that should generate great anticipation within the cigar-loving community.


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